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Search Results for: worship

Jesus, a Primer for the Curious

Blue Bottle Books RRP $3.95 Jesus, a primer for the curious, is a short booklet or tract written by an Anglican historian to give meaning to Christianity mainly for the non-churched. Each page begins with a statement and then develops the reasoning for it. For example, the first page begins with ‘belief in God is common sense’, seemingly taken from ...

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Christianity’s growth is reshaping China

Increasing interest in Christianity among Chinese intellectuals is transforming the country’s religious landscape, says Edmond Tang, an academic and consultant on China for British and Irish churches. "Today it is an open secret that Christian fellowships, a new kind of ‘house church’, run by Chinese professors and students, are active in most Chinese universities," said Tang in comments marking the ...

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Townsville welcomes new Korean congregation

At a special time of worship and celebration at Townsville Central Uniting Church last Sunday the North Queensland Presbytery recognized the Korean Christian Faith Community Townsville as a Faith Community within the Uniting Church. The service also recognized Myeong-Hee Seo as the Pastor in that Faith Community. Presbytery Minister Rev Bruce Cornish said a special part of the evening was ...

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Seventy years and still together

Warwick people were excited about Herman and Millie Stoeckert celebrating their 70th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday 11th March at Warwick with family and friends at a lunch in the Warwick Golf Club. Herman and Millie were married in the Dorrego Anglican Church on 17th March 1937. They attended the Methodist Church and Uniting Churches throughout their married life. They have ...

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Pope reaffirms ban on sharing communion with non-Catholics

Pope Benedict XVI has reaffirmed a strict ruling forbidding eucharistic concelebration with ministries of non-Roman Catholic churches, while at the same time giving priests the go-ahead to revive Latin as the main language used during the church service known as the Mass. "The celebration and worship of the Eucharist enable us to draw near to God’s love and to persevere ...

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Let all Creation Sing

Music CD RRP $27.95 Emu Music has put together another collection of new music, with a few older songs thrown in. This is a professional collection of modern songs that could easily find their way into the repertoire of any ‘contemporary’ church. The album has a particular focus on the person of Jesus, and the writers take their evangelical task ...

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From the Editor – March 2007

Sometimes it can be the most uncomfortable time of the service, especially if you are sitting in the front row and that big open bowl comes past for your offering. If you’re first, whatever you put in, the next person along is going to know how much it was. Maybe that’s why people like envelopes – at least that way ...

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Is repentance the starting point for eco-mission?

NOT ONLY scientists and politicians are talking about climate change.  These days it is a topic of conversation over many Uniting Church cups of coffee and a “hot” discussion on Uniting Church e-groups. Many Uniting Church people are refining their eco-theology and looking for practical ways to respond to current climate change and other environmental issues. Manager of the Queensland ...

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Oil and Water: Two Faiths: One God

Published by CopperHouse CanadaRRP $34-95 Amir Hussain is Associate Professor who teaches World Religions writing for “people who want to learn more about Islam and Muslims, particularly as they relate to Christians and Christianity.” He feels that if we are to survive in the 21st Century we must learn to live together and understand our great spiritual traditions. Oil and ...

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US Episcopalians begin legal battle linked to gay clergy fight

The US Episcopal Church’s diocese of Virginia is preparing for an all-out legal battle over the ownership of the property in 11 parishes that broke away from the denomination over its tolerance of homosexual clergy. The case involves two of the oldest, largest and most prominent parishes in Virginia and pits church members against the diocese in a struggle over ...

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