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Search Results for: worship

Vale Elizabeth Craigie McChesney-Clark (Nee Williams)

Born 21.11.1918  Died 26.11.2006 Elizabeth Craigie McChesney-Clark was born in Swinton, Scotland, the eldest child of clergyman Benjamin Scott Williams and Helen Wallace Craigie Aitchison. After spending her school days in Leeds, Elizabeth won a scholarship to attend Cambridge University. She graduated with a Master of Arts in 1940 and completed her Cambridge Teacher’s Certificate at Selly Oak College, Birmingham ...

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Merry Christmas

The team at Journey, Bruce, Osker and Mardi, wish you and your family a safe and blessed Christmas and a happy new year. Read on for The Christmas message from the Moderator of the Queensland Synod Rev Dr David Pitman  and the President of the Uniting Church in Australia Rev Gregor Henderson. __________________________________________ The Christmas Message from the Moderator of the ...

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Schools told not to use ‘intelligent design’ material in science

Publicly-funded schools in England and Wales are to be told by the government that material distributed to educational establishments advocating alternatives to the Darwinian theory of evolution should not be used in the teaching of science. The guidance follows the recent distribution by the Truth in Science group of material promoting the teaching of the theory of "intelligent design", which ...

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Pacific churches struggling for justice

Reformed churches in the Pacific are deeply engaged in the struggle to bring fullness of life for all in their various contexts, says Setri Nyomi, general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC). Nyomi has just completed an 18-day visit to WARC member churches in four Pacific countries Fiji, Samoa, New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia during which he ...

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Christmas: it’s Good News

I did it again this week! On a whim, I typed the words “good news” into the search engine of my computer and was directed to 860,000,000 internet web sites. One of the best is a site called The Good News Network. It is entirely devoted to collecting good news stories from around the world. If you are wearied by ...

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Aussie spirituality alive and well

The most recent analysis of Australian religion indicate that religion in Australia is growing and increasingly popular. Monash University academic and UNESCO Chair in Interreligious and Intercultural Relations Prof. Gary Bouma this week released his new book, Australian Soul: Religion and Spirituality in the Twenty-First Century, published by Cambridge University Press Australia. Bouma says while it’s long been assumed that ...

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Papua New Guinea challenging, encouraging, humbling and disturbing

North Queensland Presbytery Minister Rev Bruce Cornish recently attended the 20th Assembly of the United Church in Papua New Guinea at Lokea Village, West Gulf Region and found the experience of his first trip to Papua New Guinea challenging, encouraging, humbling and disturbing. This is an extract from his report to the Presbytery of North Queensland. I was there for ...

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British bishop says climate campaign is not political, but “spiritual’

Churches in Britain have joined the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and aim to mobilise Christians to take stewardship of a threatened earth just as a critical United Nations conference on the planet is taking place in Nairobi. The Anglican Bishop of London, Richard Chartres, led churches’ Operation Noah campaign supporters bearing banners to a rally at London’s Trafalgar Square on ...

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Uniting Churches called to celebrate Human Rights Day

Congregations, faith communities and small groups in the Uniting Church are being encouraged to reflect on and celebrate international Human Rights Day through a suite of internet based resources being made available by UnitingJustice. International Human Rights Day is celebrated on December 10 each year and commemorates the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted unanimously on 10 ...

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