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Queensland Synod News

Labrador Gardens: $20.5M next stage starts

Work on stage two of Blue Care Labrador Gardens’ redevelopment will start this month. Planned is a three-storey building, comprising 128 aged care beds, 16 serviced apartments and a basement car park for 75 vehicles. Blue Care Property Development Manager James Mantis said Walton Construction Queensland would undertake the work at a cost of $20.5 million.  “We expect this stage ...

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A just peace wanted in Gaza

“Many families cannot afford to buy even the most basic necessities, and more and more children can be found on the streets selling small items in an attempt to earn money for their families”, Constantine Dabbagh, Executive Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches/Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (MECC/DSPR) office in Gaza, recently said. “We can’t lose hope; ...

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Islam challenges the view that religion is private

The growth of Islam in Europe is challenging deeply-held notions that faith is a private matter which should be banished from public life, a prominent sociologist of religion has told a gathering of European Christian leaders. "We ignore the presence of Islam at our peril," Professor Grace Davie of the University of Exeter in Britain told leaders from Europe’s main ...

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Young Christians know more of MTV than the Bible says World Council of Churches Head

The Church hardly communicates with the youth of today and even in "so-called Christian countries" the majority of young people are Bible illiterate but well informed of the latest MTV programmes, says the head of the World Council of Churches. The Rev. Samuel Kobia, general secretary of the WCC, the world largest inter-Christian grouping on 14 February, addressed hundreds of ...

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50 years of service for Blue Care Wynnum

Blue Care Wynnum is celebrating 50 years of service and Community Care Manager Noela Sorensen said the service is extremely excited about celebrating the milestone. “Our service has, in some way, touched the lives of nearly every person who has lived in the Wynnum-Manly area,” she said. “Whether it’s you, your mother or father or a dear friend, one in ...

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Brisbane Broncos “flip” for a cause

Star Brisbane Broncos players, Karmichael Hunt and Brad Thorn had a flipping fun time today when they helped launch UnitingCare’s annual fund raising event, Pancake Day. The players were there to support UnitingCare this morning, after a heavy training session, to help create awareness about the work of UnitingCare and the important role they play in the community. On UnitingCare’s ...

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Putin: It’s religion and nuclear weapons that protect Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said his country’s internal and external security depends upon two things – its traditional religions and its nuclear forces. "These themes are closely connected because both the traditional faiths of the Russian Federation and Russia’s nuclear shield are two things that strengthen Russian statehood and create the necessary conditions for ensuring the country’s internal and ...

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Yeppoon aged care facility opens

A new aged care facility is opening in Yeppoon on Friday (February 9). The ultra modern Blue Care Capricorn Gardens boasts four wings and accommodates 60 residents. With more than 50 staff, the facility is now one of the major employers in the coastal resort town. Blue Care Regional Director Brad Sadler said at a cost of $7.5 million Capricorn ...

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Uniting Church condemns unfair trial for Hicks

The Uniting Church in Australia today condemned the Government’s acceptance of the new draft charges against Guantanamo detainee David Hicks and expressed deep concern for his wellbeing and about the trial process. Uniting Church President Rev Gregor Henderson said that the Australian Government must immediately act to ensure that David Hicks is afforded a fair trial. “David Hicks has been ...

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