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Queensland Synod News

$1.4m investment in palliative care

Two Blue Care facilities will be at the forefront of a $1.4 million research project to improve palliative care resources for residential aged facilities around Australia. Blue Care Amaroo Aged Care Facility in New South Wales and Iona Aged Care Facility in Queensland will be used as demonstration sites for the two-year project led by the University of Queensland/Blue Care ...

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WCC head criticises North Korea for nuclear test

Geneva, 25 May (ENI) At a time when the international community is reviving a vision of a world free of nuclear weapons, the latest North Korean nuclear test is a source of profound concern, World Council of Churches general secretary, Rev Samuel Kobia has said. "The World Council of Churches is deeply troubled by North Korea’s nuclear test and profoundly ...

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Indian churches delighted at victory of ‘secular’ coalition

Bangalore, India, 18 May (ENI) Churches and Christian groups in India have hailed as a victory for secular governance and a non-sectarian society the convincing victory of the ruling coalition that did much better than pre-election polls had suggested. The United Progressive Alliance coalition government led by the secular Indian National Congress party won 262 of the 543 seats in ...

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Vatican launches new iPhone apps

The Vatican is launching iPhone and Facebook applications in an effort to help Catholics, especially younger generations, use new technologies to create a culture of dialogue, respect and friendship. The new applications are part of a brand new Vatican Web site – www.pope2you.net – that was to go live on World Communications Day on May 24, The Catholic Spirit reports. ...

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Australian Christian Lobby calls for sacking of NRL advisor

In the wake of the Matthew Johns scandal, the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) today called on the National Rugby League to sack its gender advisor Catharine Lumby over her public comments in support of group sex. ACL Managing Director Jim Wallace said that the community has been rightly aghast at the controversy involving sporting celebrity Matthew Johns and the message ...

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Fiji update – Church leader safe

Several news outlets have this morning reported that the Reverend Manasa Lasaro, former President of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma, has been detained by the Police in Fiji for questioning. UnitingWorld has been in contact with the Methodist Church this morning regarding the developing situation. The Church is in dialogue with the Police and the military and has ...

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Difficult times to continue for Australia’s most vulnerable

Last night the Treasurer brought down a difficult budget for difficult times. The budget delivered on jobs creation, major infrastructure investment, and a welcome increase in payment rates for some pensioners. The historic commitment to paid parenting leave, long overdue in this country, is also welcome and will make a huge difference to young families. But the difficult times will ...

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Post Cold-War era needs vibrant religion news, says US professor

Indianapolis, Indiana, 12 May (ENI) The 21st century world cannot be understood without understanding religion, says U.S. religion journalist and professor, Gustav Niebuhr. "It’s a terrible irony that religion is so prominent in the world and yet so absent from the news," Niebuhr told a gathering of journalists from two groupings of North American journalists, the Associated Church Press and ...

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Pope and Israeli chief rabbis underline Christian-Jewish dialogue

Jerusalem, 12 May (ENI) Pope Benedict XVI has reaffirmed an "irrevocable" commitment of the Roman Catholic Church to reconciliation between Christians and Jews after praying at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism. "The Church continues to value the spiritual patrimony common to Christians and Jews and desires an ever deeper mutual understanding," the pontiff told Sephardic ...

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Chinese Christians urge prayers to mark 1989 crackdown

Hong Kong, 12 May (ENI) More than 80 Chinese Christians have urged churches around the world to mark the 20th anniversary on 4 June of the suppression of protesters who had joined thousands of students and civilians in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square to call for democracy and clean government. "The fact that this tragic massacre happened 20 years ago and is ...

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