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Queensland Synod News

South Africa’s ‘green bishop’ takes Christians to task on earth usage

South African Anglican bishop Geoff Davies stirred debate among church leaders and theologians attending an Ecumenical Water Network conference in the Ugandan capital when he asserted that Christians were making a mistake if they believed God only cared about humanity, while the rest of creation existed for the benefit of people. "Everything God created is good and has value. We ...

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A weekend of hunting for book lovers

Book lovers will revel at the opportunity to spend 36 hours over the Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend hunting for books at the annual Lifeline Bookfest.  With 1.5 million books on 4 kilometres of tables, this time around the Lifeline Bookfest is running Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 8am until 8pm. Lifeline Brisbane Public Relations Manager Elissa Jenkins said it was a ...

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Hong Kong regulator decides not to deem the Bible is indecent

Despite more than 2000 people in Hong Kong complaining that the Bible is indecent, the local media watchdog has refused to submit the holy book to a tribunal for classification as being obscene. Hong Kong’s media regulator rejected the calls to bring the Bible before the Obscene Articles Tribunal to reclassify it as an indecent publication after complaints that it ...

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US Muslims feel assimilated, part of society, survey finds

Muslims in the United States appear to have been largely assimilated into the broader US society, finds a new survey which also reports that nearly eight in 10 Muslim Americans overwhelmingly condemn the practice of suicide bombings. Still, the survey released this week by the Pew Research Center found that about a quarter of young Muslim Americans feel there are ...

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Unions call for “Right to Worship” protection in AWAs

Unions NSW today called on the Howard Government to establish a ‘right to worship’ protection in its so-called Fairness Test covering Australian Workplace Agreements. The call follows revelations a member of the Hillsong congregation was refused the option of taking Sundays off to worship when negotiating an AWA with a call centre. Unions NSW secretary John Robertson said the worker ...

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Gay US bishop ‘not invited’ to world Anglican gathering

Openly-gay US Bishop Gene Robinson, whose 2003 consecration sparked controversy in the worldwide Anglican Communion, has not been issued with a formal invitation to attend the 2008 Lambeth Conference of the world’s Anglican bishops. A spokesperson for Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, the head of the Anglican Communion, confirmed to Ecumenical News International that Robinson was one of several bishops ...

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Sorry Day: Uniting Church acknowledges continuing struggle

On the Tenth Anniversary of the Bringing them Home Report, the Uniting Church in Australia expressed sadness at the continuing suffering of Indigenous people and communities throughout the country. Ten years ago, moved by the findings of the Bringing them Home Report into the plight of the Stolen Generations, the National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia issued its ...

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One million Bibles a month will come off finishing line

On a return visit to Nanjing, China last week, Daniel Willis, CEO of Bible Society NSW inspected progress on the new site for the Amity Printing Press. “Last October, the block was vacant, apart from a huge sign. Now you can see the shape of the new buildings with form work and support columns in place. Given progress to date, ...

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Teach water management, Ugandan official urges African churches

Uganda’s minister for water and environment, Maria Mutagamba, has urged churches in Africa to educate people on the continent about water use and management. "One of the areas that I have found difficult is in the area of water utilisation. In Africa we just don’t know how to use water," said Mutagamba. She was opening a conference on 21 May ...

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First ordained woman begins as Church of Scotland moderator

Ecclesiastical history has been made in the Scottish capital with the Church of Scotland welcoming leaders of the Free Church of Scotland to its 2007 General Assembly that was officially opened by Prince Andrew, a son of Queen Elizabeth II. "I think this is a tremendous thing," said the new moderator of the Church of Scotland, the Rev. Sheilagh Kesting, ...

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