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Summary Synod Standing Committee Update – November 2022

The Synod Standing Committee (SSC) meets on the first Thursday of every month.

Updates from the Moderator & General Secretary

There was much to celebrate last month. Deep gratitude and congratulations to:

  • Trevor Murray of Gatton congregation was awarded the Moderator’s medal.
  • Rev Bernie Jarius, Rev Bob Heathwood and Rev Wayne Sanderson on the 50th anniversary of their ordination.
  • Jennifer Hall of St Andrews War Memorial Hospital was also awarded the Moderator’s medal.

Several information sessions have been held to workshop the proposed approach and submission for the November Assembly Synod Committee (ASC) meeting for the UCA regulation review.

Key highlights & outcomes of SSC

SSC considered & approved UnitingCare Queensland (UCQ) Board Member and Chair Reappointment panels and process for the FY23.

Project Plenty remains an ongoing focus to ensure sufficient, and appropriate resources and funding are allocated to secure its success. The SSC considered and endorsed a revised budget post-consultation with key Synod stakeholders. Improvements were made, including clarifying project methodology, monitoring mechanisms to assess return on investment (ROI) & resourcing.    

The Finance, Investment and Property Board (FIP) and Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) met jointly on 27 October 2022 to consider the financial statements of the Synod office for the year ended 30 June 2022. Based on recommendations from FIP & ARC & a presentation to SSC members, the SSC was confident in giving its endorsement to progress the statements to signing. 

Update on Appointment(s) to Synod Governing Bodies

The SSC considered and endorsed the following appointment:

  • Rev Louise Yu as Chairperson of the Multi-Cross-Cultural Reference Group (MCCRG) for a three-year term.

Congratulations are extended to all as they bring their vision, wisdom and guidance to the Church. The ongoing service of all members to the mission of the church is gratefully acknowledged.

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