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Summary Synod Standing Committee Update – October 2022

The Synod Standing Committee (SSC) meets on the first Thursday of every month.

Updates from the Moderator and General Secretary

The Moderator visited the congregation at Northside Mackay to present the Spirit of Synod award to Robyn Cooley. The Spirit of Synod award is open to all people in the life of the Queensland Synod who exemplify the call and vision of the Church and is a small way to honour the extraordinary work of individuals and the Christ-led changes they make in our congregations and communities. Congratulations Robyn.  

The SSC endorsed the UCQ’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Policy. The Moderator and General Secretary attended the Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Convocation led by UnitingCare Queensland, which was a whole Synod gathering of ministry practitioners. 

The General Secretary went on an adventure in Western Cape York, which was a life-transforming experience visiting the communities of Cloncurry, Mornington Island, Aurukun, Weipa, Napranum and Thursday Island and allowed for greater insight into the life and witness of these remote locations.

The Moderator and General Secretary undertook several stakeholder engagement meetings and activities to build and foster working relationships at the congregation, church and corporate levels.

Resourcing the whole of the Synod for the future

A number of the Synod’s boards, committees and working groups provide regular updates to the SSC. The SSC continues to monitor the resourcing needs across the life of the Synod. This is being taken up intentionally through the Queensland Synod Resourcing Review, which aims to review the resourcing needs of the church for the next stage of its life, especially in relation to Congregations and Presbyteries.

Appointments to boards, committees and commissions

The SSC considered and endorsed the following appointments:

Elaine Rae has been appointed as the Chair of the Wesley Mission Queensland (WMQ) Board for 2023, as recommended by the WMQ Council.

On the recommendation of the Uniting Education Schools and Colleges (UESC), Ms Tracey Johnson and Mr Richard Leo have been appointed to the UESC for three years.

Congratulations are extended to all as they bring their vision, wisdom and guidance to the Church. The ongoing service of all members to the mission of the church is gratefully acknowledged.

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