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Current Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker.
Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker. Photo: Supplied

Moderator’s Musing – 12 March 2018

What’s happening around the world with the Christian faith? Where are there places where the church is having a crack at being a sign and foretaste of the reign of God?

I was at a workshop in Sydney last week sponsored by The Bible Society. A missiologist there told us he was telling his children that he was going to write another book on mission. Their response was, “Why, Dad, no one will read it! Why don’t you go and video stories around the world of people trying to live out their faith! That’d be more interesting.”

And so he did.

His name’s Dr. Graham Hill, and his website is The Global Church Project

I was inspired; having a lifelong love of the interplay of faith, politics, history, and geography, these stories caught my imagination. There’s five or six on the church in the middle of the Israel Palestine conflict. There’s a few stories on challenging domestic and intimate partner violence; there’s stories on honouring creation and stories on empowering women; there’s stories on interfaith relations; on multicultural expressions; on planting new Christian communities.

I invite you to visit the site, rummage around, and be inspired and challenged.

If you want to take a video of what you or your community are doing, to “have a crack” at some particular concrete expression of being a sign and foretaste of the coming reign of God, send it to me, and I’ll see where we can post it up for all to share.

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