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Tag Archives: 34thSynod

34th Synod in Session: Memorial Minutes honour members who have passed away

The celebration of ministries worship service at the 34th Synod at Alexandra Park included Memorial Minutes for Uniting Church members who have passed away since the last Synod in Session. The following list provides a precis of each Memorial Minute. Pauline Ann Denning (1954–2018) was trained as a nurse and worked in aged care before commencing work in the Pastoral ...

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34th Synod in Session: Day four – Creating a legacy for the future

The final day of the 34 Synod at Alexandra Park Conference Centre signalled the wrap-up of business, the presentations of agency reports and closing worship. Journey reports. Wesley Mission Queensland CEO Geoff Batkin and Rev Dr Peter Hobson Superintendent Minister presented the Wesley Mission Queensland (WMQ) report to Synod. Geoff began by honouring the ministry of former Superintendent Minister Rev Lyn Burden, ...

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34th Synod in Session: Day three – Planning for mission in challenging times

The third day of Synod in Session provided an opportunity to celebrate new and past ministry, to hear about developments in mission and outreach, and to consider significant proposals before Synod. Journey reports. The report of the Schools and Residential Colleges Commission (SRCC) by Chair Peter Campbell highlighted a number of achievements and challenges since the last Synod. Peter drew attention to ...

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34th Synod in Session: Norman and Mary Millar Lecture

The challenge to form unconventional alliances, collaborate across boundaries and embrace our responsibilities as active citizens formed the heart of a compelling 2019 Norman and Mary Millar Lecture from Professor Anne Tiernan as the 34th Synod continued last night. Scott Guyatt reports.  Offering her thoughts against the backdrop of a Federal Election count and drawing out careful analysis of the Australian political ...

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34th Synod in Session: Day two – Now is the time to sow

The theme of “Sow” was at the heart of worship, reflection and business during the second day of Synod in Session. Journey reports. Synod in Session saw the launch of Project Plenty, a new whole-of-Synod strategic planning exercise that will shape the Synod in the future. The 18-month process will involve consultation with presbyteries and congregations and collaboration and alignment ...

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34th Synod in Session: Called to seek the kingdom

The 34th Synod at Alexandra Park Conference Centre on Friday 17 May 2019 was officially opened by the Moderator Rev David Baker. Journey reports. Moderator Rev David Baker welcomed Assembly President Dr Deirdre Palmer and Assembly General Secretary Colleen Geyer, as well as visitors from the Ekaristi Church in Dili, Timor-Leste, Bevinda Pinto and Isac de Jesus. A powerful Welcome to Country ...

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