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Tag Archives: 40th anniversary

Bringing 40 years passed to the present

As we continue to celebrate our 40th anniversary year with reflections on the church’s storied past, Rev Duncan Harrison reminds us of the importance of remembering the Basis of Union, the tensions around union, and the leadership team who guided the new church. Moses on Mt Moriah challenged Israel after their 40 years of wandering, “Remember your bondage in Egypt ...

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Multi-Cross Cultural Reference Group celebrates the 40th anniversary

On 24 June the Queensland Synod’s Multi-Cross Cultural Reference Group celebrated the Uniting Church’s 40th anniversary with a party highlighting the rich cultural diversity within the church. Akesa Racava reports.  Turning 40 has been equally important across all cultures in the Uniting Church. For our multi-cross cultural congregations it required a celebration of colour, music, dancing, feasting and worship. Beenleigh Regional Uniting Church ...

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Some things you never let go

Queensland Synod moderator, Rev David Baker. Photo: Ben Rogers

My June column was about the opportunities and challenges presented by reflection on the church turning 40. If it is a time to give up that which no longer helps us live life in all its fullness, and to take with us that which still provides such a life, what should we take forward? What should we let go? There ...

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