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Tag Archives: A Nouwen Network

Generosity is a gift

2014 is the year of growing faith

Every year in the lead-up to Christmas there is an increased focus on giving, but Jane Frazer Cosgrove says generosity is more than that. When we think of “generosity” our thoughts usually go first to gifts of money, goods, and charitable acts. These kinds of giving are important to us all. However at this time of the year, when such ...

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Grassroots network fills the gaps

Rev John Ruhle and Jeannie Ballantyne from The Gap Uniting Church with comfort cushions made by the church craft group and others in the community. Photo by Holly Jewell.

The mental health ministry at The Gap Uniting Church in suburban Brisbane has struck a chord with the local community. Dianne Jensen reports. Mental health ministry coordinator Jeannie Ballantyne knows first-hand the impact that a small group of like-minded souls can have on their church and community. Jeannie and her colleagues Margaret Shield and Barbara Waltisbuhl have seen the ministry ...

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Breaking the silence about mental health

A Nouwen Network gathering in Fairfield, Brisbane

Mental health is not the absence of illness, but a way of living. Dianne Jensen reports. “One of the big things I’ve learnt from my son’s illness is not to be judgemental. You never know what people are going through.”—Lyndal Hutton. According to mental health charity SANE Australia, nearly half the Australian population will experience mental illness at some stage ...

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