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Tag Archives: BELLS faith community

Bringing in the sheaves: Church community gardens take root

Diane Kelly, Mudgeeraba Uniting Church garden manager. Sylvia Pitt and Con Janduris planting rosella bushes at Sunnybank Uniting Church community garden.

There’s something deeply rewarding about growing and eating your own food, and what better way to get your hands dirty than in a community garden? Dianne Jensen talks to Uniting Church congregations who are digging deep in search of connection. As backyards shrink or disappear and our memories of home-grown produce fade, a quiet revolution is taking place across Australia. ...

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Café church: Give it a shot!

Cafe church is an increasingly popular form of worship

Whenever two or three people gather to eat and drink together as part of worship, café church is happening. Dianne Jensen talks to three Queensland congregations exploring fresh forms of this ancient model of being church. It’s family friendly, low key, and a lot harder to slip into the back row unnoticed. Café church is a contemporary reimagining of a ...

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Ring in the changes

Phil Smith. Photo by Rohan Salmond.

After a career in media Phil Smith has found himself lay pastor to a kind of faith community not often found in the Uniting Church. Rohan Salmond talks to him about faith, ecumenism and the future of church. “I have just turned 53 and really would not have expected to be in this activity in this season of my life,” ...

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