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Tag Archives: fair trade

Trading fair for the future

Edinburgh: a Fairtrade city. Photo: Supplied

One of the appealing characteristics of the Uniting Church is the passion many members have for social justice. We acknowledge that from the Old Testament prophets through Jesus’ commands that we love God and our neighbour there is concern for the poor and the disadvantaged. There are 2000 verses in the Bible which speak about the poor. Many congregations have ...

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Correcting the trade imbalance

Hugh Jackman with Ethiopian coffee farmer, Dukale.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, but fair trade documentaries The True Cost and Dukale’s Dream show the economic future of the developing world is far from hopeless. Ashley Thompson writes. “Fair trade is a citizen’s response to correcting the social injustice in the international trading system that is largely dysfunctional,” says Safia Minney—founder and CEO of ...

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