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Tag Archives: First Peoples

Mission-Ready (or not)

Author Rev Dr Andrew Dutney. Photo by the Uniting Church in Australia, National Assembly.

The Basis of Union may have been completed in the late sixties but it provides an ongoing instrument of renewal and encouragement. Rev Dr Andrew Dutney reflects on the Uniting Church in Australia’s foundational document’s past and what it offers us in the present. It’s no secret I’m a fan of the Basis of Union. But I also realise that it ...

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First and Second Peoples come face to face

Haileigh Childs (left) from Queensland, and Donna Champion from South Australia, at the UAICC national conference. Photo was supplied.

About FACE has been forging relationships between First and Second Peoples for over 30 years. The latest program has continued to build that trust and understanding. Nigel Trapp reports. Brisbane university student Haileigh Childs admits she had little understanding of Aboriginal culture prior to immersing herself in the About FACE program. “My relationship and understanding was virtually non-existent before. I ...

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A Destiny Together: Justice for First Peoples

Rev Dr Andrew Dutney and Rev Rronang Garrawurra lament with members of the 13th Assembly in front of Parliament House in Adelaide, 2012.

Uniting Church members are invited to engage in the Week of Prayer and Fasting for Justice for First Peoples, writes Jennifer Whyte. One of the most poignant events of the 13th Assembly of the Uniting Church in 2012 was the silent walk of members through the streets of Adelaide to the South Australian Parliament. Prompted by the stories of anguish ...

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