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Tag Archives: inclusive church

Letters August 2015

Letters to the editor graphic by Uniting Communications.

Women and men should be in equal partnership I read in the July Journey about the proposal for the Uniting Church Adult Fellowship to encourage “participation from all cultural groups in women’s fellowships” (“Multicultural women’s fellowships proposed”, page 19). I certainly agree that as a church we should be actively encouraging the involvement of all cultural groups in our churches ...

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Six ways to be an inclusive church

Rainbow colour post-it notes.

If you’ve never felt unwelcome in a worshipping community it might be hard to understand how many people experience church. Journey explores how to make sure your church is truly inclusive. Indigenous Australians The Uniting Church sees reconciliation with Indigenous people as essential to the life and health of the church and Australian society. Including an acknowledgement of country before ...

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Faith without boundaries

Joan Beavis

Joan Beavis lives in West End, Brisbane where she ministers to the lost and vunerable people of her community. My mother Nellie would hold the hands of the lepers in the hospital on the tiny island of Ubuiua in the Milne Bay district of Papua New Guinea. My father, Bert Cuff, had built the hospital, commissioned by the Methodist Overseas ...

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