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Tag Archives: John Harrison

Everald: Larger than life

Aspley Uniting Church elder Everald Compton. Photo taken by Journey.

As one of Australia’s largest providers of aged care services, the Uniting Church has a huge investment in ageing … and rightly so, given our demographic profile. John Harrison talks to an 84-year-old Uniting Church elder out to make a difference. His febrile Twitter handle says it all: @EVERALDATLARGE. At 84 years of age, Aspley Uniting Church elder Everald Compton ...

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John Harrison proclaims faith in the 21st century

Dr John Harrison

Professional communicator and Uniting Church member Dr John Harrison talks to Dianne Jensen. Sons and daughters of the manse grow up living and breathing the mantra of mission and service. As adults they can end up living out their own Christian witness in surprising places. Dr John Harrison is Senior Lecturer in Journalism and Communication and Undergraduate Program Director at ...

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