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Tag Archives: literature

Book review: Charles Williams The Third Inkling

Charles Williams, the third Inkling. Photo: Oxford University Press

Grevel Lindop’s look at fantasy writer, theologian and magician Charles Williams celebrates his achievements at the same time as it reveals his darker side. Nick Mattiske evaluates how this new biography succeeds in capturing the man and his mystery. Grevel Lindop’s biography of writer Charles Williams is titled The Third Inkling, but when Williams joined the Oxford literary gatherings of ...

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Five faith-themed classics to celebrate International Literacy Day

Wind flipping through a book's pages.

International Literacy Day (8 September) raises awareness of the vital role literacy plays in achieving global development and social justice. From finding employment to understanding health information, literacy skills are the keys to unlocking a better future. To get people thinking about the written word and the enjoyment reading can bring, Trinity Theological Library has put together a list of ...

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