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Tag Archives: Millennials

Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week. Check back in every Friday to see the latest wrap up of religious news that made us think and reflect.  Historic church up for grabs  News.com.au reports on the sale of a historic Uniting Church in country New South Wales, built in the late 1800s, which is set to sell north of ...

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Five leadership qualities young people demand

Arrow to represent leadership.

Sure to be a hot topic during the National Young Adult Leaders Conference (8–13 July), what are the key qualities that young people look for in their leaders? Journey picks five must-have traits for leaders who want to command the attention and respect of millennials. Authenticity Young people want their leaders—whether in the church, the workplace, the parliament or on ...

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Rachel Held Evans: Busting myths about millennials

Rachel Held Evans. Photo was supplied.

A millennial’s reasons for staying, leaving and returning to church are as rich and complex as the generation itself. Ashley Thompson speaks with New York Times best-selling author Rachel Held Evans about why Generation Y isn’t as shallow as you might think. A self-described introvert and “doubt-filled believer” from the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, Rachel Held Evans writes with ...

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June Journey now available

A church for all God’s people There’s a lot of thought going on at the moment as to how the Uniting Church can do things differently in order to adapt to demographic changes in the broader community. It’s a topic that sparked a lot of conversation during Open Space at the 31st Synod in Session last year. It’s not a ...

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Connecting congregation and community

Rev Peter Lockhart (M) with Kate Brazier (R) and Lwanda Kahongo (L) at St Lucia Uniting Church. Photo by Ashley Thompson.

St Lucia Uniting Church minster Rev Peter Lockhart speaks with Ashley Thompson about the Uniting Church’s place in the crowded ministry of university chaplaincy. A mere five minute drive from the University of Queensland’s main campus, St Lucia Uniting Church is perfectly situated to minister to nearly 1200 young adults residing in Uniting Church–affiliated colleges: Emmanuel, Grace, Kings, Cromwell and ...

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In search for a community of Christ

Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans, Thomas Nelson Publishers (2015) $19.99.

Rachel Held Evans is a young, thoughtful, hyperconnected woman of faith—and she has a troubled relationship with church. Having grown up in, then left, an evangelical nondenominational church, she is broadly representative of a generation of millennials that have grown up in churches but now in adulthood struggle with the baggage heaped upon them by their received traditions. Research suggests ...

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Stop obsessing over young people

Regina George from Mean Girls asks "Why are you so obsessed with me?". Photo: SNL Studios

This article from popular spirituality network Patheos shows strong insight from American pastor Rev Erin Wathen into the church’s “obsession” with Millennials. Entitled “Dear Millennials: Sorry we’re so obsessed with you” her letter apologies to my peers for years of on and off-line badgering (stalking?); for being guilty of holding on too tightly and seeming too desperate to keep us ...

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