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Tag Archives: ncls

Number crunching the health of the church

The 2016 National Church Life Survey (NCLS) data results have been released to the public but what do the numbers say about the state of the Uniting Church in Queensland and, more broadly, about Christianity in Australia? Queensland Synod Director of Mission Scott Guyatt investigates. Results from the 2016 National Church Life Survey are filtering through after more than 240 000 ...

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Stranger danger: creating welcoming church communities

(Left to right) newcomers coordinator at Newlife Uniting Church Marcelle Fricker with newcomer Darryl Holbrook, Rev Derek Schiller, St George Uniting Church, with congregation member Ned Jones. Photos were supplied.

Someone new walks into church. You’re torn between maintaining a polite distance and asking them around for lunch and afternoon Bible study. Dianne Jensen talks to two quite different Uniting Churches about welcoming newcomers. Stepping through the church door can be a scary business. The jargon and rituals are unnerving—and that’s before someone is invited to stand up and sing! ...

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We’re all in this together: What the latest data says about the Uniting Church

Source from 2011 NCLS attender denominational surveys

National Church Life Survey analysis is highlighting some encouraging trends in Uniting Church congregations, reports Dianne Jensen. Do you feel settled at your local church, yet sense that your gifts are not being fully used? You’ll support outreach initiatives (if they don’t clash with your volunteer work) but would prefer not to personally invite people to church. Growing confidence and ...

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