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Tag Archives: Oxley-Darra Uniting Church

The minister’s partner: life beyond the fish bowl

(Clockwise), Dr Joan and Rev David Baker; Penny, Dr Amy, Rev Harlee and Sally Cooper; Peter and Rev Jenny Coombes; Ben, Lyndelle, Ellie and Rev Andrew Gunton; Rev Ian and Pam Kerr. Photos were supplied.

It’s 2016, the working world has changed and “traditional” marriage roles no longer exist. Ashley Thompson explores what it means to be today’s face of the minister’s partner. It was difficult to find people willing to speak to Journey about the challenges of being a minister’s spouse. Understandably, those who aren’t retired were not comfortable publicly voicing the strains ministry ...

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Café church: Give it a shot!

Cafe church is an increasingly popular form of worship

Whenever two or three people gather to eat and drink together as part of worship, café church is happening. Dianne Jensen talks to three Queensland congregations exploring fresh forms of this ancient model of being church. It’s family friendly, low key, and a lot harder to slip into the back row unnoticed. Café church is a contemporary reimagining of a ...

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Experiencing Easter afresh

Resurrection eggs. Photo by Holly Jewell.

Christians hear the Easter story regularly, but how do we breathe new life into the story—and do we even need to? Mardi Lumsden explores. For some people the Easter story is a reminder of the purpose of their faith. For others it is the impetus to change their life. It is an epic tale of betrayal, loyalty, suffering, death, love, ...

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