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Tag Archives: Safety

Five ways to make child safe churches

Calendar competition winner Ellla, aged 11 drawing.

Active planning for safety can help us meet our mission goals and reach out to the community. It’s absolutely critical that every church is a child safe church. Here’s five tips that will help make that happen. Share guardianship Every person engaged in the life of the church needs to grow a culture of shared guardianship of children. The Child ...

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Keeping kids safe at church

Child Safe Church training held at the Logan Central Multicultural Uniting Church. Photo was supplied.

Jesus gave unequivocal instruction about the importance and care of children. Journey explores how this is enacted in the Uniting Church today. While the church has been at the forefront of caring for children from the earliest days of rescuing abandoned orphans to pioneering widespread education, recent investigation and reporting has demonstrated that churches and church institutions have not always ...

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