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Tag Archives: St Andrew’s Uniting Church

Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy

Cartoon of a husband lying on a hammock on the Sabbath and his wife pointing to a mower. By Phil Day.

Sunday-best clothes, church, roast lunches and lazy afternoons are Sunday memories for many older Christians. Dianne Jensen explores whatever happened to the Sabbath. For most Australians, the measured pace of Sunday has given way to the frenetic demand for unlimited access to entertainment, sport and commercial services. We are willing participants, giving way to the insidious tug to constantly check ...

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Voices from the Great War

Lady Rachel Dudley’s Australian Voluntary Hospital Unit (Martha Burns standing at the front) heading for France in 1914. Photo is Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial.

The Lives, Links and Legacy project underway at St Andrew’s Uniting Church in Brisbane city is uncovering the stories of congregation members who served in World War One. Dianne Jensen reports. When Martha Burns stepped off the yacht Greta onto French soil with Lady Rachel Dudley’s Australian Voluntary Hospital Unit in 1914, her independent ways had already flouted social conventions. ...

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Emotions surface following Cyclone Marcia

Satellite image of Lam (top-center) and Marcia (right) making near-simultaneous landfalls. Photo taken by NASA.

In the coastal community of Yeppoon, Central Queensland, the clean-up continues after tropical Cyclone Marcia made landfall at Shoalwater Bay (between St Lawrence and Yeppoon) as a category five storm, Matt Gees writes. St Andrew’s Uniting Church in Yeppoon, approximately six kilometres up the hill from the main beach, sustained minor damage. However Emu Park Uniting Church (around 350 steps from the ...

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Time out to reflect at Lenten art exhibition

"Via Francigena – Camino from Canterbury to Rome, 2013, san Lorenzo to Ponticelli" by Lindsay Farrell.

All in God’s time is the theme of the new Lenten exhibition at the Vera Wade Gallery in Brisbane by members of the Visionaries Christian artist network. Dianne Jensen reports. The Vera Wade gallery at St Andrew’s Uniting Church presents the work of 15 Queensland artists who use a range of genres including gouache, mixed media, sculpture and photography to ...

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