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Tag Archives: St Stephen’s Uniting Church

Café church: Give it a shot!

Cafe church is an increasingly popular form of worship

Whenever two or three people gather to eat and drink together as part of worship, café church is happening. Dianne Jensen talks to three Queensland congregations exploring fresh forms of this ancient model of being church. It’s family friendly, low key, and a lot harder to slip into the back row unnoticed. Café church is a contemporary reimagining of a ...

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Courageous faith paves the way

Betty Willis (Order of Australia), at her home in Blue Care Toowoomba. Photo taken by Ashley Thompson.

We interviewed Betty about her life and faith on Friday 27 June and sadly advise that since this article was written and went to print Betty has passed away. We have been informed that Betty did have the opportunity to read the article before her passing. She died on Wednesday 6 August 2014 after a short illness. How does a self-described shy ...

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Letters April 2014

Rainbow colour post-it notes.

There were a number of letters in response to the March edition of Journey. Those which the authors were happy to see published appear below. Letters to the editor should be no longer than 150 words and are published at the discretion of the editor. Please supply your full name as well as the name of your congregation or suburb ...

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Grand dame of Toowoomba celebrates 150 years

Presbyterian Church, 1932. Photo by State Library Queensland

One of Queensland’s iconic city churches celebrates its 150th anniversary this year, throwing the spotlight on a remarkable period of Christian witness in the south-east region. Dianne Jensen reports. Built of local basalt and sandstone,St Stephen’s Uniting Church (formerly Presbyterian) in Toowoomba was completed in 1884. The 150th anniversary marks the establishment of the charge (parish) in 1863, although the ...

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