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Tag Archives: Tony Abbott

Pope to Abbott: don’t forget the poor

Pope Francis

In a letter addressed to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Pope Francis has written calling for the G20 leaders’ summit to focus on poor families and inequality as well as economic figures. In his letter dated 6 November, the Pope asked Mr Abbott and his fellow heads of government remember that behind the political and technical discussions of the G20 “many ...

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Letters April 2014

Rainbow colour post-it notes.

There were a number of letters in response to the March edition of Journey. Those which the authors were happy to see published appear below. Letters to the editor should be no longer than 150 words and are published at the discretion of the editor. Please supply your full name as well as the name of your congregation or suburb ...

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We can do better, Tony

Dear Prime Minister, I recently saw the film Philomena and began to wonder whether we, in future years, will be making atonement for our current treatment of refugees. Will people be shocked when they find out what really went on? Will their hearts ache when they find out that these were desperate human beings and not potentially dangerous “illegals”? The ...

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