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Tag Archives: Uniting Green

Election notes: balancing mining activity

A hand casting a ballot

One Uniting Church congregation has expressed real concern about the legal and property rights of local people impacted by the state government’s establishment of the “Galilee Basin State Development Area”. However, the Queensland government has removed long-standing public rights to object to mines. Previously off-limits areas of western Queensland are being opened up to oil and coal seam gas mining ...

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Here’s a fishy scoop

Australia Great Barrier Reef. Photo: Google Images.

The Queensland Government has urged Australians to boycott American company Ben and Jerry’s ice cream for supporting the World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) save the reef campaign. In a media statement yesterday, Environment Minister Andrew Powell said the company has damaged the reputation of the reef and jeopardised jobs and tourism dollars. “Another company has signed up to the campaign of ...

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