Home > 32nd Synod > Seven (fun) insights into your next general secretary!
Rev Heather den Houting at the 32nd Synod. Photo by Holly Jewell.
Rev Heather den Houting at the 32nd Synod. Photo: Holly Jewell

Seven (fun) insights into your next general secretary!

Yesterday 32nd Synod members called Rev Heather den Houting to be the next Queensland Synod general secretary, starting 1 June 2016. Ashley Thompson catches up with Heather to uncover the personality behind the profession.

Ashley: What is your passion?

Heather: My passion is people, especially people in Christ. I am always deeply delighted by the capacity and resilience of those who gather together to reimagine community.

A: What dangerous idea are you most excited about?

H: Digital disruption. Considering the fact that in the last ten years we have seen transformation in ultra-connection, imagine what might happen in the next ten. Are we ready to network this?

A: What were you like in high school?

H: I was friends with everyone. Too naughty to be head prefect but engaged enough to be head of the school’s cheer squad. Go team!!

A: What’s your secret talent?

H: I love to paint, but do so very rarely these days.

A: How do you relax?

H: Hmm … a shout out to all my Words with Friends mates!

A: What is your favourite church weasel word?

H: It’s not church only, but I refuse to use the term “going forward”—I think we mean “in the future”.

A: Describe the Uniting Church in three words.

H: Adventure, joy, Jesus.

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