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I Can Make Angel Things for Christmas

Lion Hudson RRP: $14.95 I Can Make Angel Things for Christmas provides 16 different ideas to satisfy those creative urges that might overtake the children in the lead up to Christmas – as well as give parents some inspiration for keeping them gainfully occupied once the holidays start. The ideas include decorations for tree and table, costumes, greeting cards, gift ...

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We Plan, God Laughs: 10 Steps to Finding Your Divine Path When Life Is Not Turning Out Like You Wanted.

Published by Doubleday 2008. RRP $28.95 Have you heard of a God whose name is Enoughisenough? – El Shaddai (Hagar) Sherre Hirsch; mum, Hebrew Scholar and Rabbi, regular guest speaker on American TV shows relates in an easy conversational style, aspects of the Old Testament. This includes translations of God’s many names. Sherre tells how Moses heard God reveal ideal ...

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The Book of Revelation for Dummies

Wiley Publishing, Inc. RRP $29.95 This book is a continuation in the popular “For Dummies” series. The authors have produced a highly readable, easy to follow and at times humorous ‘tour’ of the book of Revelations. With the use of scholarly interpretation and supporting diagrams the context, symbols and possible understandings of Revelations are explained. The Book of Revelation for ...

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The Abingdon Children’s Sermon Library, Volume 2

 Abingdon Press, 2007 RRP $22.95 Leading worship and preaching is one thing, but giving a children’s address in worship? Help me please! Enter stage left The Abingdon Children’s Sermon Library, Volume 2. While the entries for sermon ideas and topics are bland in presentation (100% text, black-and-white, Times New Roman font with no pictures!), the content and ideas are helpful. ...

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CD Small House Records (RRP $15) Tamworth-born son of a country musician Gavin Gardner has recorded five honest offerings on his first CD production by small independent recording label Small House Records. With a smooth pop sound Gardner explores his understanding of the Grace of God and the difficulty of moving beyond self to consider the bigger world picture. The ...

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By Way of the Desert – 365 Daily Readings

Continuum RRP $22.95 Around the early fourth century AD, a significant number of Christians began to withdraw from ‘the world’ as they had known it. They left their families and towns and moved out into the arid desert regions bordering the Fertile Crescent from Egypt to Syria. Their purpose was to live largely solitary lives, seeking God in the profound ...

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Letting God be God: The Reformed Tradition

Darton, Longman and Todd. RRP $29.95 Letting God be God is part of the “Traditions of Christian Spirituality” series and explores the spirituality of those denominations within Western Christianity whose theological heritage is traceable to the Swiss Reformers of the sixteenth century Reformation. Included in this umbrella are those churches that identify with the Reformed, Presbyterian and Congregationalist traditions (in ...

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A Year Lost and Found

Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd RRP $24.95 Michael Mayne, an Anglican priest in the United Kingdom who goes on to become the priest at Westminster Abbey and marries the Duke and Duchess of York (Andrew and Fergie), has written a highly readable account of one year of his life where he experienced a debilitating illness. He writes in a very ...

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Ego & Soul: The Modern West in Search of Meaning

Scribe. (revised edition 2008) RRP $35.00 At a time when there is widespread pessimism among social commentators about the driving materialistic influences in modern life, it is stimulating to read in Ego & Soul an Australian sociologist’s perspective on ordinary life which asserts that most people are still struggling to find some overarching meaning in life. John Carroll, professor of ...

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