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The Cross Alone songs of unity

Compact Disc RRP $24.95 The Cross Alone – songs of unity is the compilation prepared for the Australian Gospel Music Festival 2007. Ten of the twelve tracks were composed by Toowoomba musician Evan Shelton, who also arranged the CD’s take on Benjamin Rhodes’ hymn Messiah’s Praise. One in You is the work of Peter Pellicaan and well reflects the subtext ...

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Behold the Man: A Therapist’s Meditations on the Passion of Jesus Christ

Darton, Longman and Todd RRP $28.95 There have been numerous attempts to identify the “man” Jesus throughout the history of the Christian Church. Significant controversy has been generated by such work as Gibson’s The Passion of Christ. While it is unlikely that Thorne’s small book of meditations will evoke great passions it will find a place in some local study ...

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Into the Silent Land – The Practice of Contemplation

Darton, Longman and Todd RRP $34.95   Given the need to allocate time for family, work, study, the school P&C, hobbies, church, and the World Cup, I have always been bemused by gospel imperatives to “be still” and “receive peace” and to hear the “still small voice”… it all seemed at odds. And I had never heard of the Christian ...

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Jesus, a Primer for the Curious

Blue Bottle Books RRP $3.95 Jesus, a primer for the curious, is a short booklet or tract written by an Anglican historian to give meaning to Christianity mainly for the non-churched. Each page begins with a statement and then develops the reasoning for it. For example, the first page begins with ‘belief in God is common sense’, seemingly taken from ...

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Made for Laughter

Darton, Longman and Todd RRP $39.95 Made for Laughter is primarily the story of a spiritual journey. It tells of a childhood, a career in medicine, imprisonment and torture in Chile, work in a hospice and psychotherapy, but it is, nonetheless, about one person’s spiritual journey in search of the will of God. Sheila was born just before the outbreak ...

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Heroes and Villains

Darton Longman and ToddRRP $34.95 In his book Heroes and Villains Mike Alsford takes the reader through a kaleidoscopic post-modern journey skipping across rapid snippets of the pop culture comic book, TV and film heroes and villains. As an afficionado of Sci Fi and pop culture, I was drawn to this short book. Anyone who seriously tries to deal with ...

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Let all Creation Sing

Music CD RRP $27.95 Emu Music has put together another collection of new music, with a few older songs thrown in. This is a professional collection of modern songs that could easily find their way into the repertoire of any ‘contemporary’ church. The album has a particular focus on the person of Jesus, and the writers take their evangelical task ...

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Vital Signs. The wisdom of James for a life of faith

Bible Alive Series: Bridging Scripture and Daily Life. Vol1. Aquila PressRRP $19.95 I’ve had an interest in John Dickson ever since I was a young youth worker and arranged a tour of his then band, In the Silence through my hometown. So it was with relish that I reviewed his latest book, Vital Signs. The wisdom of James for a ...

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