Home > Opinion > Five things you should never say about someone’s disability
(Left to right) Uncle John Baxter, Mary Henley-Collopy and Meredith Allen attended the Exclusion and Embrace conference in Melbourne. Photo by Sue Hutchinson.
(L—R) Uncle John Baxter, Mary Henley-Collopy and Meredith Allen attended the Exclusion and Embrace conference in Melbourne. Photo: Sue Hutchinson

Five things you should never say about someone’s disability

Disability is everyone’s business. Following her feature on disability and faith, Sue Hutchinson shares five of the most insensitive comments someone could make to a person with disability.

1Never say “It’s God’s will” or “It’s all part of God’s plan”.



2Never imply that disability is punishment for sin.



3Never relate the disability to faith, such as “a test of faith”, or due to a lack of faith or insincere prayer.



4Never say that you will pray for healing, unless specifically asked to.



5Never say that God made the person special by giving them the disability.



Can you think of others? Share them in the comment section below. 

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