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Search Results for: UnitingWorld

Church leaders visit Queensland

THE new Moderators of two of the Uniting Church’s important Pacific partners will visit Queensland in July as part of a leadership development program sponsored by UnitingWorld. Bishop Bernard Siai, Moderator-elect of the United Church in Papua New Guinea, will take up his post as Moderator in October 2012 leading a church of around 600 000 members spread across most of PNG. UnitingWorld Associate Director (Pacific) Mr Bruce Mullan said the United Church in PNG ...

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Determination, faith and friendship

FROM little things, big things grow. For the members of Enoggera’s Emmanuel Uniting Church, Brisbane, and the Noro congregation in the Solomon Islands an ongoing friendship has led to one intelligent young nursing student being given the gift of hearing. Emmanuel Uniting Church Treasurer, Barry Jardine, said the congregation’s long tie with the Solomon Islands was strengthened when one of ...

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Coming of age

“PEOPLE of the Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches have united. A new church has been born.” It was with these words 35 years ago that the Uniting Church in Australia was created. To celebrate, the church issued a Statement to the Nation that spoke of the importance of every human being, the proclamation of truth and justice, and our responsibility ...

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Flooded Fiji prepares to rebuild

HEAVY rains caused destructive floods throughout Fiji in the lead up to Easter causing the worst damage in a glut of bad weather that has plagued the islands. The flooding devastated homes, livelihoods and communities just as the region began to recover from the 2009 floods. Associate General Secretary of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma, Rev Tevita Banivanua, ...

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Adult Fellowship supports Solomon Islands women

THE year 2011 was a very difficult one for Uniting Church Adult Fellowship (UCAF) members in Queensland. Nevertheless, members from across Queensland stepped up to support the Synod Committee’s 2011 project, the Solomon Islands Women’s Leadership and Livelihood project. The Adult Fellowship is delighted to have raised a total of $12 229.60 for the project. A final cheque was presented ...

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Unravelling education

PEOPLE learn in many different ways. Our experiences of learning are influenced by the way we interact with our world. Whether we are in a classroom, workplace, at home or at church, we are interacting with information and making decisions that expand our understanding of the world. It’s interesting to think that the way we view the world shapes our ...

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Inspiring caring adventurers

UnitingWorld is partnering with Inspired Adventures to offer a team of people the chance to trek through the Himalayas, visit Development projects and engage in inter-faith action with our partner church in North India in September. Together, the team will raise at least $75 000, enough to cover the costs of UnitingWorld’s education projects in Amritsar for a whole year. ...

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Making an event of Lent

ALL over Australia, people are putting aside their coffees, weekly newspapers and favourite television shows and instead throwing their energy behind efforts to build water tanks in Zimbabwe. No, they're not actually travelling to Africa. It is all part of UnitingWorld's Lent Event. People help overcome poverty by giving up an item from everyday life during the period of Lent ...

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Finding joy and solidarity in Tonga

IN SEPTEMBER, eleven Queenslanders returned from a UnitingWorld InSolidarity trip to Tonga with a renewed appreciation of Pacific hospitality. Team Leader, Judy Morrison, of Caloundra, said the group was overwhelmed by the Pacific Islander hospitality. “The way they share absolutely everything is a real challenge to our lifestyle here at home,” she said. The trip allowed the group to meet ...

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Expo inspires community connections

ON SATURDAY 27 August Indooroopilly Uniting Church hosted the second Bremer Brisbane Presbytery Ministry Expo, a capability-building initiative. With a common theme of developing community connections, there were around 27 displays and stalls from congregations in the Presbytery as well as the Synod and the Assembly alongside those from ecumenical and para-church organisations and agencies, such as World Vision. Speakers ...

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