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Search Results for: youth

Indigenous leaders mobilise for mission

Joya Waia (Weipa) and Ellen Hobson (Bamaga) at the 2013 Grasstree Gathering in Brisbane

Emerging Indigenous leaders and elders from across Australia are forging new partnerships through the Grasstree Gathering. Dianne Jensen reports. “Preaching in your own skin” is a catchphrase that sums up the cultural and spiritual empowerment of a people, and it resounded at the National Grasstree Gathering Emerging Indigenous Christian Leaders Conference in Brisbane. The Grasstree event in early October followed the inaugural ...

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Mission alive in Townsville

What is your mission? Townsville Central City Mission is a strategic city church committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ministering to human need by providing personal and family care through the ministry of word and deed. What’s happening in your church? At the moment a Joint Nomination Committee is being selected to call a minister to the ...

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Mackay making links

Northside Uniting Church is located in Mackay, central Queensland, and its sister congregation is Seaforth, in a coastal village. The congregations have strong links with the community. Tara Burton spoke with congregation member Rod Kirkpatrick. How are you enriching your community? We play significant roles in local schools, hospitals and nursing homes. Hospital and nursing home visitation, including conducting chapel ...

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Old treasure stirring new ways

As a child I always enjoyed treasure hunts. I was just as happy planting the treasure as finding it. After the lawn was mowed one of us would hide pegs in little piles of freshly mown grass and the rest of the family had to race around and see how many they could find. In chapter 13 of Matthew's gospel ...

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Country continues to dominate in Farnsworthy’s honour

Synod wouldn't be the same without the City vs. Country touch football game, named after the mythical (some say legendary) former Trinity student Charles Farnsworthy. Despite the game being used as an example for the whole of synod on consensus voting practices on Friday night, it was uncertain whether Country would have enough starters. Thankfully, Country rallied and was able ...

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UnitingCare Australia budget reply response

UnitingCare Australia's National Director, Lin Hatfield Dodds said the Coalition's decision to cut the Income Support Bonus, should it form government after the Federal election in September, will deliver a significant blow to low income Australians including people on Newstart, Youth Allowance and Parenting payments. Speaking shortly after the Budget reply speech in Canberra last night, Ms Hatfield Dodds said ...

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Gold Coast congregation focuses on outreach

Burleigh Heads Uniting Church is known locally as 'the church on the hill' and is situated on the outskirts of the busy Gold Coast region. Tara Burton spoke to co-founder of the Burleigh Heads Never Alone Friendship Centre, Neville Free. Who makes up your congregation? Burleigh Heads Uniting Church is a worshipping and caring congregation of 260 members. It is ...

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Welcome to the global village

Advocating for global justice starts with one person, one family and one community, as secondary students discovered at the One World, WonTok Poverty and Development Youth Conference. Dianne Jensen reports. "On no, my crops died!" "We'll have to sell something!" Students gathered around the laptop at the One World, WonTok Poverty and Development Youth Conference had just realised that pests, ...

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Take the time to reflect during Lent

For me, the season of Lent is about making space and time to reflect on my life with God. In some ways this runs counter to the pace of life around us. Most organisations have just resumed meeting after the long break over the summer holidays. They are building momentum, working on the goals for the year, reviewing strategic plans ...

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Prayer and praise are central at Mt Louisa, Townsville

Mt Louisa House of Praise is located in Townsville, North Queensland. The congregation has strong links with local churches and engages with the community through a range of outreach ministries. Tara Burton spoke to minister Anne Harley. How are you enriching your community? We play a significant role in Stable on the Strand, a Christmas event put on by the ...

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