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Search Results for: youth

Laughing with the divine

LOUISE TOWLER is a Christian comedian based in Perth. When she first came to Australia from the UK the mother of four lived next to a young woman with depression. “I used to sit with her to try to make her laugh.” One of these stories became her show Big Purple Undies which she wrote about a lady she used ...

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Journey asks Ryan Drake – How are you called to care for creation?

BRISBANE BOYS’ College Sustainability Group was established in 2010 to address the growing concern amongst some students as to the school’s response to issues revolving around climate change. There is an increasingly growing movement of youth today who are called to be stewards for the environment and protect God’s creation for future generations to enjoy. In Deuteronomy we learn that ...

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Dislike the evil, love the individual, King says

After losing his father, uncle and grandmother to violent and, in some cases, suspicious causes of death, Martin Luther King III still believes that that there is a higher and more noble way and that is to "dislike the evil act" but "still love the individual." In the case of the recent killing of Osama Bin Laden, "it is hard ...

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2011 Budget – UnitingCare says Labor found its mojo

UnitingCare Australia welcomed the 2011 Federal Budget and says it’s a carefully crafted, considered effort that will help people trapped on welfare find jobs and a more secure financial future. National Director, Lin Hatfield Dodds said the winner this year with a $2.2 billion package is mental health. With $1.5 billion in new money the Government has delivered in spades ...

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African faith groups get funds for environmental conservation

A UK-based environmental conservation group said it is offering financial support to African faith groups to help them develop environmental conservation plans. "This is simply seed money to help consultations to take place. We know for faith communities to introduce new dimensions to their work, is not easy," said Martin Palmer, general secretary of the Alliance for Religions and Conservation ...

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Reaching Out in a Networked World: Expressing Your Congregation’s Heart and Soul

By Lynne M. Baab, The Alban Institute, 200, RRP $33.95 Reviewed by Karyl Davison. EVERYTHING ABOUT a congregation speaks of its values. Imagine walking into a church you know nothing about. If you see children’s artwork posted on the noticeboard, hear children singing and playing, and see posters for youth camps or outings you will know that this church caters ...

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Bible Bites: 365 Devotions for Aussie Families

Anglican Youthworks, July 2010 RRP $16.95 Reviewed by Bevan Lobley who has a young family and is very interested in finding ways for families to grow in their faith together. As I began to read this book, I  realised that the only real way to review it was to go through several of the devotions with my family and gauge ...

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Witnessing in faith

The 28th Synod affirmed a five line Call for the Uniting Church in Queensland in discerning the future of the Church. This edition we look at the fourth phrase: Witnessing in faith. IN MY current ministry role I am working to make connections between our church and a growing suburb on the south side of Brisbane. The first day I visited the ...

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What is church?

THE UNITING Church’s foundational document, the Basis of Union, states many different purposes of the church. Some of these include: “preaching Christ the risen crucified One” (para 3); “to be a fellowship of reconciliation” (para 3); “be led to deeper commitment to the faith and service” (para 12); “order its life in response to God’s call to enter more fully ...

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Oxley members get their hands dirty

Oxley Uniting Church members, in Brisbane, and ncyc11 volunteers (pictured right) took to the streets distributing bread and 400 bags of ice to those without power. Seven Oxley Uniting Church families were flooded. The congregation set up an impromptu creche/child drop-in centre for parents needing to clean flooded homes, offered food and drinks to the community and volunteers, and acted ...

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