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Search Results for: youth

XXX Church visits Brisbane expo

SEVEN YEARS ago Pastor Craig Gross and Pastor Mike Foster decided that part of their ministry to young people needed to deal with the issue of pornography and addiction. “I just noticed this common theme amongst kids that they were caught up in this and there was no outlet, no place that told you the other side of the story, ...

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From the editor on ‘Ageing’

ON THE journey through life one occasionally meets a person who inspires and motivates you to be greater than you are. I have had many such mentors, most of them much older and wiser. At one time I had the privilege of working along side a most remarkable woman called Hilda des Arts. Dr des Arts was in her early ...

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Order some good men

Make a weekly prayer diary, skip 40 times forward and 15 times backwards, and be sure to keep your body clean and healthy. These were some of the requirements of the Fourth Class Test in the Page’s Handbook of the Order of Knights. The thousands of young boys who participated in this Methodist youth organisation in the first half of ...

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Re-enchanting Christianity

SCM Canterbury Press – Rainbow Books 2008 RRP: $34.95 In the mid 90’s Dave Tomlinson wrote his first pivotal book Post-Evangelicalism. It caused a stir amongst some, while many others identified with his journey from an Apostle in the UK House Church Movement through Holy Joes (a gathering of searchers n a pub each week in London) into mainstream Anglicanism. ...

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New Russian Patriarch Kirill I pledges to keep church unified

Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, who was enthroned in Moscow as Kirill I, the 16th patriarch in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church has stressed it is his task to ensure unity within the church to preserve the faith, but he is also seen as being a more "political leader" than his predecessor by some analysts. Hundreds of ...

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Meet Shane Claiborne: a not so ordinary radical

He makes his own clothes, has long dreadlocks and looks for all the world like a 1970s hippy drop-out, but he’s been on a stage near you talking with Uniting Church young people and firing them up with some very radical ideas. Shane Claiborne looks, speaks, and dresses like an Old Testament prophet or John the Baptist, and he makes ...

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Artist at Christmas Festival in Beerwah

Talented Story telling Artist Lynton Allan featured at Glasshouse Country Uniting Church’s "Follow the Star" Christmas Festival in December. For the past 20 years Lynton Allan’s passion has been to take art off the wall and inspire audiences by performing live with his combination of visual art and creative storytelling. He is inspired by the diverse Australian landscape and its ...

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Breaking free of the consumer culture: Canadian author’s tips

Toronto, 17 December (ENI) At a time of year when people will fight with each other for the latest toy for their children, and after the trampling death of a store worker in the United States by shoppers who had queued overnight for post-Thanksgiving holiday sales, parents need help to break free of the consumer culture, says the author of ...

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Uniting Church President’s Christmas Message

FROM THE BACKBLOCKS COMES A MESSAGE OF PEACE Prejudice and bigotry continue to flourish in the world. Year after year we witness the cycle of violence between tribal groups in Central Africa with mass killings and even more rapes. In Russia several young men have this month been sentenced for the racially-motivated murders of some 20 migrants. In Zimbabwe inter-tribal ...

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Canadians uplift and upload with ‘Amazing Grace’

Thousands of voices, including choirs, congregations, chaplains and soldiers, are to be blended together in one giant, online hymn sing to help support the Anglican church’s ministry in Canada’s remote north. The Amazing Grace project asked Canadian Anglicans to video themselves singing the iconic 18th-century hymn, and to forward the recordings to the church’s national office in Toronto. Here, the ...

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