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Search Results for: youth

Students enjoy a year in the Son

YEAR IN the Son (YITS) is a gap year program for 16-21 year olds that provides young people with the opportunity to spend one year learning more about God and about themselves, and to gain understanding, skills and attitudes that will help them face the challenges ahead with confidence and competence. Run through the Faith and Life Institute, Year in ...

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From the editorial team – August 2008

It’s Sunday afternoon, you’ve had lunch and settled on the couch, feet up with Journey. We’ll be spending the next three editions together, so allow me to introduce myself. I’m helping hold the fort while Bruce Mullan takes a break and Mardi Lumsden takes the wheel. My CV: husband and father, UCA member, journalist and broadcaster, occasional elephant hunter. Rather ...

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Active outcomes put men in pews

A WOMAN once confided that she wished her husband would come to church with her. He was a farmer and there was always something to do when you are on the land. She died unexpectedly. After that her husband attended worship every Sunday. The style of worship hadn’t changed. The farm still needed attention. Central Queensland Presbytery Minister Rev Kaye ...

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What do WYD and ASUC have in common?

The answer is energy, enthusiasm, excitement, expressions of joy, ecumenism. The electric atmosphere was contagious as approximately one thousand mostly Catholic young adults crammed into the Albert Street Uniting Church on Saturday morning, 12th July for the Brisbane Days in the Diocese Prayer Time.  It was one of five ecumenical church venues in the World Youth Day Heart of the ...

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Poor No More: Be Part of a Miracle

Monarch Books RRP $22.95 Peter Grant, the author, is the International Director of Tearfund. In his book “Poor No More” he has combined his vast experience in dealing with the World Bank, International NGO’s and Development agencies to issue a very practical call to action for Christians worldwide. The forward to the book gives a great overview of all that ...

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Uniting Church joins Regional Interfaith Dialogue

Uniting Church National Assembly Associate General Secretary Rev Glenda Blakefield, was invited by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to join a delegation to The Fourth Asia-Pacific Regional Interfaith Dialogue in Cambodia, held 2-4 April. Fifteen nations representing 620 million people met in Phnom Penh for the fourth dialogue with the theme of “Phnom Penh Dialogue 2008 on Interfaith ...

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Zimbabwe Methodists condemn violence as toll mounts

The Methodist Church in Zimbabwe has condemned mounting post-election violence which has left at least 50 people dead and displaced thousands of villagers, according to rights groups and the main opposition political party. At the same time police tried to prevent worshipers entering Harare’s Christ Church in the suburb of Borrowdale despite them being granted a court order to pray ...

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After decades of debate Australia gets two female bishops in 10 days

After decades of debate, Australian Anglicans have one female bishop, and they will get a second within 10 days of the first woman’s consecration. On 22 May, West Australian Archdeacon Kay Goldsworthy was consecrated Australia’s first female bishop. Canon Barbara Darling’s consecration was to follow on 1 June in Melbourne. Supporters of the move described it as a breakthrough for ...

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Queensland Churches Celebrate With School Chaplains

Next week, churches from around the State will celebrate the unprecedented pastoral care opportunity provided through school chaplains, who are bringing the hope and love of Christ to a young generation. Over 250 new chaplains have been appointed in the past year alone, as demand for this powerful role continues to grow. The boom in chaplaincy numbers throughout the state ...

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Science & Soul

UNSW Press, Sydney RRP $34.95 Professor Charles Birch is a hero from my youth, for in 1963 he spoke at a Mission to the University of Adelaide. By the fifth of his five lectures there was no venue large enough to hold the crowd so he spoke in the open air. That week he taught many of us to think ...

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