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Search Results for: youth

More than madness – it’s growing faith

There has been nothing like it since the 1980s as 300 young people and leaders from 30 youth groups across Queensland came together at Alexandra Headland for a weekend of Summer Madness. Billed primarily as a spiritual growth opportunity with great teaching, discipleship development and worship, Summer Madness was a cooperative venture between Queensland Uniting Church Youth Workers and lay ...

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From the editor – February 2008

Much of this issue of Journey is devoted to examining the Gospels and what Jesus said, and might not have said. All good and interesting stuff, but I kind of like the little craze that spread around the world last decade called “What Would Jesus Do” (WWJD). Of course there is a very tacky side to it all with not ...

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Brigade honours top girls

KELLY HOLCROFT from Oxley Uniting Church was one of three from her company and one of twelve young women from Uniting Church Girls’ Brigade companies presented with the Queen’s Award. The Queen’s Award is the highest achievement for Girls’ Brigade members and was presented by the Governor of Queensland Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce. Mrs Coral Anderson, the National Commissioner ...

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Young people turn to Christianity in Hindu-dominated Nepal

When Raju Lama embraced Christianity at the age of 16, his Buddhist parents were furious and virtually expelled him from the family home near the Nepalese capital of Katmandu. Undeterred, Lama, who became a Christian in 1989, began trying to persuade his parents to do the same. Ten years later that persistence paid off, and his parents converted to Christianity, ...

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Global Christian Forum is ‘most diverse Christian gathering ever’

A unique gathering of high level church leaders starting on Tuesday 6 November 2007 near Nairobi, Kenya, features the broadest range of Christian traditions ever represented at a global meeting, says its organisers. The gathering will "allow for a discussion of unprecedented ecumenical breadth on what Christians are called to do – together if possible – in the world today", ...

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Thursday Island need – looking for a few good men

Pine Rivers Uniting Church (PRUC) is looking for a few good men from around Queensland to nail down $20 000 toward an urgent state-wide Uniting Church appeal for assistance to undertake urgently needed repairs to the minister’s residence on Thursday Island. PRUC Men’s Ministry coordinator Phil Smith said his blokes would chip in at least $1000.00 by the end of ...

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Film shows tears and joy in Zambia

LAST YEAR West Australian film maker Russell Brown packed up his camera and travelled to Zambia to visit Uniting Church aid worker Fiona Dixon-Thompson at the Mwandi Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s Project. Along for the ride was sound recordist and Centenary Uniting Church youth worker Jason Bray. The result was the documentary Seven Days, a brief look at a week ...

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Growing up, leaving home and celebrating it

WHETHER IT’S at the end of Year 12 or some other time before or after that date, the inevitability is that young people will eventually leave home. But leaving home is not just walking out the door with a suitcase in each hand; it’s a significant part of the journey to adult status that can be as painful for the ...

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Journey Asks Anna Mulcahy – How did your Schoolies experience connect with your faith?

Most young Queenslanders have what is known as a “Schoolies” adventure in the weeks immediately following the completion of Year 12 at high school. This month Journey asked three young women who had very different Schoolies experiences how their Christian faith connected with that event. Anna Mulcahy Anna spent Schoolies at the Gold Coast with friends. Having been brought up ...

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Journey Asks Josie Nottle – How did your Schoolies experience connect with your faith?

Most young Queenslanders have what is known as a “Schoolies” adventure in the weeks immediately following the completion of Year 12 at high school. This month Journey asked three young women who had very different Schoolies experiences how their Christian faith connected with that event. Josie Nottle Josie went to a Scripture Union (SU) Schoolies camp on the Sunshine Coast. ...

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