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Search Results for: worship

‘What are you hungry for this Easter?’ video launched

The Queensland Synod, in association with Paradigm Studios, has produced a video to complement the 2011 Easter postcard theme ‘Hungry? Satisfy your sweet tooth and your soul this Easter’.   The video is for use in church, school and agency meetings and gatherings and worship services in the lead up to Easter. It encourages discussion on the meaning of Easter ...

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Passions run high

THE SHOWBIZ term ‘break a leg’ became reality for Tony Barnes, this year’s Moogerah Passion Play director. In a fall from a roof he suffered multiple fractures, a cracked vertebra and a smashed heel. Yet if you visit the Lake Theatre at Lake Moogerah on a Saturday afternoon you will find him directing the cast of players and, while he ...

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Working for Justice

The 28th Synod affirmed a five line Call for the Uniting Church in Queensland in discerning the future of the Church. This edition we look at the final phrase: Working for justice. WHAT IS justice? Where do we start? How can we change the world? How do we stand against injustice? These are all questions I ask myself regularly and each ...

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Surveying the lives of churches

ONCE AGAIN Uniting Churches all over the country are getting ready for the 2011 National Church Life Survey – for which each denomination will be allocated a survey month from September to November. The National Church Life Survey (NCLS) is a tool that provides churches with evidence based insight to equip them for ministry and mission. It has helped participating ...

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Confessions of a Lapsed Catholic

By Sheila Cassidy, Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd., London, 2010, RRP $34.95 Reviewed by Marian Zauchenbrecher, Queensland Synod Associate General Secretary. I HAVE been a fan of Sheila Cassidy since I read her first book, Audacity to Believe. Ms Cassidy is a Roman Catholic laywoman, who was raised in Australia, trained and worked as a doctor in the UK and ...

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The Give and Keep (CD)

By Sarah Hart,hippArt Music / Sarah Hart Music, RRP $22.95 Reviewed by Tara Burton, Journey community liaison officer. LISTENING TO the music of Sarah Hart is truly an enriching and inspiring experience. Drawing from her religious background and passion for women’s ministry, her songs are compassionate and heartfelt. Her new release The Give and Keep is her tenth album. It ...

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Don’t let Easter go up in smoke

PARISHIONERS SHOULD take steps to reduce the risk of fire at their church ahead of the Easter school holidays, the Risk Services Manager at Ansvar Insurance, Phill Salter, announced today. Mr Salter said that churches were at some risk of fire during times when they were vacant. “Churches and church halls are frequently unoccupied, but the school holidays can be ...

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Dave the Donkey: An Easter Story

By Andrew McDonough Lost Sheep Resources, 2008 RRP $7.95 Linda Hanson worships at Pomona Uniting Church and is always looking for good children’s books to use in worship. Dave the Donkey is one of best Christian children’s books I have read for a while and it is one children and adults alike will enjoy. The plot is simple, but effective ...

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Music and vital congregations: A practical Guide for Clergy

By William Bradley Roberts Church Publishing, NY, 2009 RRP $29.95 Reviewed by Rev Dr Lew Born, a retired Minister, ex-Moderator and Director Dept of Christian Ed and life-long advocate of culturally relevant worship. He is part of the Robina Congregation. Required reading for all involved in leading worship. The author’s agenda is to assist towards a greater appreciation of the ...

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