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Search Results for: worship

Blokes gawkin and talkin

Father’s Day seems to bring a certain licence for Dads to relax and admit they like cars and a chat; not necessarily in that order. On Mother’s Day most Uniting Churches present chrysanthemums to pin on tops. Father’s Day presents a rare opportunity to present sausages and sauce to spill on shirts. Big boys toys and a barbecue will greet ...

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What is the church?

JOURNEY CONTINUES its exploration of Brian McLaren’s 10 questions he says are transforming the church. This month is the church question. Adulterous liaisons, wealthy church members showing off, the personality cults of leaders in sharp suits, and the rest of the community shaking its head as factions break up a growing charismatic church: it’s the tale of woe from a fast ...

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Patrol awarded Order

CLONCURRY UNITING Church and McKay Patrol minister Rev Garry Hardingham was honoured with an Order of the Outback by the Burke Shire at the Burketown Ball on 3 July. Rev Hardingham and the Cloncurry Uniting Church shared the award with fellow flying padre Simon Steele from the Salvation Army. Burke Shire Mayor Annie Clarke said the night was a time ...

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Pipes of praise organist

IN JULY Chermside Kedron Community Church held a lunch to honour the many years Darcy Gough has played the organ for their worship services. In 1994 Mr Gough began playing at the Hamilton Road, Chermside Church. In 2001 the Hamilton Road church together with the Strathmore Street, Kedron church moved to the new complex. Mr Gough was instrumental in having ...

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Meals still on wheels

ON SUNDAY July 11 the link between Brisbane’s Meals on Wheels and the St Andrew’s Congregation was celebrated in worship. Rev William Young, the minister of then St Andrew’s Presbyterian congregation in 1960, had seen a need in the community and convened the elders and managers to work out a way the congregation could make a Christian response. Forty-nine meals were ...

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Pilgrimage: A Spiritual and Cultural Journey

Lion Hudson RRP $39.95 Reviewed by Bob Warrick UNITING CHURCH people often affirm that ‘we are a pilgrim people’ but how do we understand the word ‘pilgrim’? Bradley’s ‘Pilgrimage’ adds meaning to the word as it includes not only a comprehensive history of pilgrimage but also detailed descriptions of pilgrim places and routes in Europe which have been developed over two ...

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The Minister’s Manual 2010

Jossey-Bass, 2009 RRP $32.95 THIS IS the 85th edition of The Minister’s Manual 2010 – The Minister’s Complete Sourcebook.  In that time you would imagine that they have learned a thing or two and you would be right.  Following the Revised Common Lectionary for 2010 the book provides resources for the sermon, children’s message and worship aids (call to worship ...

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Distilling the conflict myth

Science, religion and the search for truthIT IS OFTEN assumed that the history of the relations between science and religion is one of unremitting conflict. The prime examples are Galileo’s condemnation by the Inquisition in 1633 and the religious opposition elicited by Darwin’s theory of evolution on its inception in 1859. While this view continues to exercise a great hold ...

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Redefining the gospel

Journey continues its exploration of Brian McLaren’s 10 questions that he says are transforming the church. This month we look at the gospel question. I RECENTLY came across a writer who suggested that we should be able to summarise the Christian gospel in 10 words or less. “If you can’t summarise what you believe in 10 words, do you truly ...

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