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Search Results for: worship

Netherlands ‘second only to US’ in number of Christian groups

The reputation of the Netherlands as being a country with many Christian denominations has been boosted by the publication of a new reference book detailing churches. The authors have tallied a list of 648 churches, congregations and meetings, making the Netherlands the country with the second-largest number of Christian denominations and religious movements in the world, after the United States. ...

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The darker side of chocolate – what will you eat this Easter

Chocolate is a luxury that adds to our waistline and often makes us feel guilty. Yet if people knew about the exploitation and dangers kids in the cocoa fields are forced to endure, chocolate would also make them feel sick. It is estimated that in the West African nation of the Ivory Coast alone more than 600,000 children work on ...

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Patterned by Grace

Upper Room Books Approx. $25 Daniel Benedict, until recently served as director of worship for the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church in the USA. He is one of that church’s foremost liturgical scholars, writers and practitioners, with a strong interest in areas such as discipleship and the catechumenate; not to mention being an all round good ...

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70 years a minister – some kind of record

Queensland Uniting Church Minister Rev Ellis Bramley who is now 96 years old and still worships every Sunday at Chermside-Kedron Community Church will celebrate 70 years of ordination 28th February. Ordained in 1938 Mr Bramely is still in remarkably good health, and looking forward to this milestone.  The Chermside-Kedron congregation is celebrating his anniversary as the focus of morning worship ...

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Face up to differences in order to stay united, says Orthodox leader

Churches should be prepared to confront their differences honestly and to examine them in the light of the scriptures, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomeos I has said at a service to celebrate 60 years since the World Council of Churches was founded with its goal of Christian unity. "The bonds of friendship between divided churches and the bridges to overcome our divisions ...

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Reflections on a year in Tonga

Rev. Dr Alan and Mrs Judy Morrison spent a year in Tonga from July 2006 to July 2007. Here are Mrs Morrison’s reflections on their time there. The hour was late but the airport was alive with people – men, women and children moving, talking, laughing, looking – and everywhere the handshakes and hugs of meeting and greeting. Our pale ...

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South African police raid Methodist church in Johannesburg

South African police have raided Johannesburg’s Central Methodist Church arresting as many as 1500 homeless people there, many of them thought to be Zimbabweans, leading to strong protests from the local bishop. Bishop Paul Verryn has played a key role in the care of refugees and asylum-seekers from Zimbabwe at the church. He said he was angered at what he ...

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World Council of Churches head has shared communion as goal

The general secretary of the World Council of Churches, the Rev. Samuel Kobia, hopes that by the middle of the 21st century Christians will have reached a level of unity so that they can share Holy Communion together. Kobia said this in a front page interview published in the official Vatican daily newspaper l’Osservatore Romano dated 25 January, the day ...

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