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Search Results for: worship

Archbishop of Canterbury should tackle Anglican homophobia, says Desmond Tutu

Nobel Peace Laureate and South African Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu says that Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams should be tackling homophobia in the church and making it a welcoming place for lesbian and gay people. In a BBC radio interview to be broadcast next Tuesday, 27 November 2007, Archbishop Tutu says that he is depressed by the Church’s "obsession" ...

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Living Hope: : A Practical Theology of Hope for the Dying

Epworth Press 2006 You’ll have to search Amazon for this one When is a Book Review Not a Book Review? Well, this is not a book review in the strict sense though I certainly commend the book to anyone with a curiosity about ‘hope’. I was recently watching a TV program piece featuring two neurosurgeons one of whom had a ...

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Our concerns sometimes seem petty

“Seeing the struggle of people in the world’s poorest nations of Africa changes my perspective of many things,” says 28 year old medical scientist, Kathryn Evans, who is serving her third term as a volunteer with Mercy Ships. “The people of Liberia, where the hospital ship Africa Mercy is currently on field service, struggle with poverty and have to deal ...

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New Synod website is a gateway to faith

COMMUNICATION Services Unit Manager Mr Bruce Mullan claims the new Queensland Synod website is as good as any denominational website in the world. “As well as being a gateway to the Uniting Church in Queensland, the site has an emphasis on being a place where people can find faith information,” Mr Mullan said. “There is a strong focus on developing ...

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Bring On the Day

Emu Music RRP $24.95 Bring on the Day is a worthy successor to 2006’s Take My Life (the debut CD from Garage Hymnal), harking from evangelical Anglican circles in Sydney, and with a close alignment with Sydney University’s Evangelical Union. Purchase of Bring on the Day entitles the buyer to access a range of resources from the Garage Hymnal website ...

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Growing up, leaving home and celebrating it

WHETHER IT’S at the end of Year 12 or some other time before or after that date, the inevitability is that young people will eventually leave home. But leaving home is not just walking out the door with a suitcase in each hand; it’s a significant part of the journey to adult status that can be as painful for the ...

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Spanish divided as Vatican beatifies nearly 500 martyrs

The biggest beatification – a process on the path to sainthood – in the history of the Roman Catholic Church has taken place in Rome for 498 people, whom leftwing forces killed during the Spanish Civil War, and who the church now regards as martyrs. Shortly before Pope Benedict XVI prayed for the newly beatified Spanish martyrs, a brawl broke ...

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AGMF becomes “Easterfest”

After ten years growing to become Australia’s largest faith-based festival, the Australian Gospel Music Festival will take on a new name and fresh direction in 2008. Easterfest will be more than a music event on the Easter weekend, according to Chief Executive Officer, Isaac Moody. “This has become an event about Easter,” Moody said, “designed to transform the community with ...

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Hundreds of years of church music honoured

Playing a pedal organ powered by a vacuum cleaner was one of the hundreds of years of cumulative experience for the retired and current musicians honoured recently at North Rockhampton Uniting Church. Two current organists topped more than fifty years each in enhancing the congregation's worship with their music and in some cases the awards were presented to the family ...

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It’s that time again!

INDICATIONS ARE that Australians will go to the polls sometime fairly soon to elect a new Federal Government. This is a very serious matter that requires our careful thought and attention, not least because political parties, in the lead up to voting day, often roll out a host of policies and make all kinds of promises that pander to our ...

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