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Search Results for: worship

US activist Shane Claiborne at NCYC 09

Young American evangelist and activist Shane Claiborne is one of the key speakers at NCYC 09, from 3-9 January 2009 in Melbourne. “Shane is excited to be part of NCYC09, and we’re delighted that Shane is excited!” said an obviously excited Rohan Pryor, NCYC09 Convention Coordinator. Shane is a compelling Christian speaker in demand around the world, author of “The ...

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More than madness – it’s growing faith

There has been nothing like it since the 1980s as 300 young people and leaders from 30 youth groups across Queensland came together at Alexandra Headland for a weekend of Summer Madness. Billed primarily as a spiritual growth opportunity with great teaching, discipleship development and worship, Summer Madness was a cooperative venture between Queensland Uniting Church Youth Workers and lay ...

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From the editor – February 2008

Much of this issue of Journey is devoted to examining the Gospels and what Jesus said, and might not have said. All good and interesting stuff, but I kind of like the little craze that spread around the world last decade called “What Would Jesus Do” (WWJD). Of course there is a very tacky side to it all with not ...

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Malaysian Christian leaders protest against ban on use of ‘Allah’

Malaysian Christians have protested against a government ban on the use of the word "Allah" by non-Muslims in the Islamic Southeast Asian nation. In a statement issued to the media on 7 January, the Christian Federation of Malaysia expressed "deep disappointment and regret" at the announcement in the first week of January by the minister n charge of Islamic affairs, ...

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There’s more than one man behind Christmas

Don’t be afraid! I have good news for you, which will make everyone happy. This very day in King David’s hometown a Saviour was born for you.  He is Christ the Lord.  (Luke 2:10-11 Contemporary English Version) The team at Journey and the Uniting Church Queensland Synod wish you all the blessings of God’s great generosity shown to us in ...

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Peace in the Highlands

Rev. Gregor Henderson, President of UCA, and Rev. Kerry Enright, National Director of Uniting International Mission, offer the attached story as a gift for both preachers and pray-ers this Christmas. It’s a powerful story about how God in Christ brings hope and peace throughout the world. We encourage every minister and lay preacher leading services this Christmas to use the ...

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We Dig Christmas

CD Scatjazz If you’ve woken up from the dream of a White Christmas and you’re tired of wandering through a musical Winter Wonderland – Brisbane jazz band Scat’s latest offering might refresh your ears this Christmas. Scat’s We dig Christmas describes itself as “a jazzy Christmas album for the whole family to enjoy.” Their fifth album, We Dig Christmas retains ...

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Atherton festival explores the Good Samaritan Story

“Who Is My Neighbour?” Participants in the Atherton Xplore Arts Festival 2007 were encouraged to address the question in visual arts (painting, sculpture, computer art, power point, posters, glass work, embroidery, banners) and performance arts (drama, poetry, song writing, singing, story writing.). Festival Coordinator Margaret Russell said entries ranged from traditional representations of the Good Samaritan story to confrontational contemporary ...

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Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighbourhood Church is Transforming the Faith

HarperOne Released: December 2007 RRP  $21.99 There are a lot of self-help books for churches out there, and sometimes it seems like most are from and for American mega-churches. Sometimes that makes translating into a different culture and context a challenge. What makes Christianity for the Rest of Us different from many is that here is a book that tells the ...

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Brigade honours top girls

KELLY HOLCROFT from Oxley Uniting Church was one of three from her company and one of twelve young women from Uniting Church Girls’ Brigade companies presented with the Queen’s Award. The Queen’s Award is the highest achievement for Girls’ Brigade members and was presented by the Governor of Queensland Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce. Mrs Coral Anderson, the National Commissioner ...

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