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Inspiring disciples for challenging times

The Inspired Disciples festival brings together speakers, forums and training events to inspire Uniting Church members across Queensland to answer the call to discipleship. Journey reports.

The image of Jesus calling to the fishermen Simon and Andrew by the Sea of Galilee is imprinted on the heart of every generation of Christians. As Uniting Church members, it’s in our DNA—embedded in the Basis of Union as the commitment of a pilgrim people “to hear anew the commission of the Risen Lord to make disciples of all nations”.

Inspired Disciples is a new Queensland Synod event which will be held at the Uniting Church Centre in Brisbane from 22 to 27 October this year. It comes out of the 2016 determination by the Synod in Session that discipleship would be one of the priority directions for the period 2016–2020, within the existing Together on the Way: Enriching Community plan.

The other priority directions are to be Christ-centred, at prayer and listening, to develop leadership capacity and connections with community and to be focused in ministry with children, youth and families.

The week of workshops, forums and training events will include the launch of the Discipleship Framework developed by Strategic Mission. The framework will provide congregations, presbyteries, ministry agents and others with a simple basis on which to consider and plan discipleship within their specific context.

Scott Guyatt, Director, Mission Innovation, says that Inspired Disciples will provide opportunities to explore different facets of discipleship.

“It is designed to include elements suitable for ministry workers, lay leaders, church members and visitors through the provision of a range of workshops, lectures, seminars and other learning experiences,” says Scott.

“Rather than a conference, Inspired Disciples takes the form of a festival, with participants choosing the components they’re interested in—whether that be just one event, or something every day (or somewhere in between).”

The biannual Chaplaincy Affirmation Days have been embedded into the week, with three days of workshops, lectures and experiences specific to those exercising ministry through chaplaincy roles. Chaplains will also have access to Inspired Disciples activities on other days.

The event is being funded through Synod office project funding sources to enable costs for participants to be kept to a minimum.

Visit ucaqld.com.au/inspireddisciples for more information.

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