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Queensland Synod News

Celebrities, theologians and activists challenge Obama

Celebrities, theologians and activists, including Bono, Brian McLaren and Shane Claiborne have written to President-elect Obama challenging him on a range of issues to address in his presidency. The open letters have been organised by Sojourners, the largest network of progressive Christians in the United States connecting faith and justice. The letters were solicited on the one week anniversary of ...

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Manga Bible series goes global

A Bible series in "manga", Japanese-style comic strips, has been used internationally to share the biblical story in recent years. Now, a distributor of its Japanese edition says it wishes to offer a series of the comics to Japan’s prime minister, Taro Aso, a Roman Catholic who loves manga. Next Inc. says on it is Web site www.nextmanga.com it is ...

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Smuggling Bibles into China places Chinese Christians at risk and is unnecessary

“Smuggling Bibles into China places Chinese Christians at risk and now with the new Amity Press operational in Nanjing, smuggling is a waste of resources,” said Bible Society NSW CEO, Daniel Willis. Speaking at the launch of the Society’s appeal for funds to support the Amity Press and help solve the problems of Bible distribution in the country, Daniel said ...

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It’s more than Just Christmas

Education Coordinator for Moreton Rivers Presbytery Aaron Ghiloni is keen to help Uniting Church members to develop an adult appreciation of Christmas. Mr Ghiloni has produced a series of three studies designed to help people understand and experience the themes of justice and joy that feature in the Christmas story. "Christmas can be such a clichéd time," Mr Ghiloni said. ...

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Christians fear Indonesian Anti-Pornography Bill

Uniting International Mission Executive Secretary (Asia) Rev John Barr has expressed concern that the adoption of an Anti-Pornography Bill by Indonesian legislators highlights fears about a move in Indonesia from a secular, pluralist state to an Islamic state with the widespread implementation of Syariah law. In October, the Indonesian parliament passed a controversial anti-pornography law which defined pornography as “pictures, ...

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Uniting Church urges green agenda

The Uniting Church has continued its involvement in the climate change and emissions trading debates with a submission to the Australian Government’s consultation process on its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Green Paper. The Green Paper discusses the Government’s preferred position on a range of issues relating to a national emissions trading scheme, known as the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme. The ...

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Crisis escalates for Christians in Iraq

Violence and persecution against minority groups in Iraq continues, including communities of Christians which have been in existence for over 1500 years, said the Executive of the National Council of Churches in Australia at its meeting this week. The NCCA released a statement calling attention to the crisis. Prior to 2003, 4% of Iraq’s population was Christian. Yet 40% of ...

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Church of England faces investment gloom

The Church of England is expected to be praying for a big interest rate cut this morning from the Bank of England, as it faces further gloom over its investments. The Church Commissioners had £13m invested in Man Group at the end of last year, the largest listed hedge fund manager. However, this morning the company was down 30% in ...

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Kenyan church leaders say Obama win is good for Africa

Kenyan church leaders have hailed the election of Senator Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America, saying it is a positive turn for Africa that can help steer good governance on the continent. "I want congratulate Obama. I think his winning will bring hope and healing to the whole world," said Anglican Bishop Joseph Wasonga. ...

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