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Friday’s religion wrap

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.    Legal retake over right to bake? CBN News has an update on a Colorado Christian baker and his latest case involving his refusal to bake a cake—this time the request has been for a gender transition celebration cake. Baker Jack Phillips has previously been involved in a lengthy legal dispute ...

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Social Responsibility Review – 14 August 2018

What’s coming up September is the season of creation From 1 September to 4 October Christians around the world celebrate the Season of Creation, uniting to pray and care for creation. This year’s theme is “Walking together”, and there are endless ways for your community to journey towards better care of our common home. How about hosting a prayer service, organising a ...

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Book review: How to Read the Bible and Still be a Christian

Does the Bible offer us a singular vision of God and Jesus or is the text a far more complex beast of contrasting authorial visions and motivations? Rodney Eivers reviews John Dominic Crossan’s book How to Read the Bible and Still be a Christian to explore how we read the Good Book and what we should take from it.  The Bible teaches us ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Magnifying glass over an open Bible.

Politics vs religion Fairfax newspapers report that our political leaders are doing God and it’s about time. Senior figures, including the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader among others, have been discussing their religious beliefs in a new book on faith without the usual deer-in-headlights reaction that occurs whenever a politician spots a godless and cynical journalist looking for a gotcha ...

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Is your coffee Fairtrade? It’s time to ask the question

Fairtrade Fortnight (3–16 August) highlights the international movement supporting better working conditions and improved terms of trade for farmers and workers in developing countries. Rev John Martin explores the link between Fairtrade and the Gospel, focusing on ways that congregations can be involved. I was recently preparing to go to a church to talk about Fairtrade and the Gospel. A ...

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Social Responsibility Review -7 August 2018

What’s coming up Homelessness Week 6–12 August Homelessness Week is an annual awareness-raising week to highlight the 116,000 Australians who are homeless on any given night. Learn more about homelessness in Australia. Make some noise on social media about this issue. Week in review Youth homelessness on the rise Mission Australia’s new report reveals this hidden problem. The report is ...

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Synod hosts Diocese of Amritsar visitors

Uniting Church member Lyndall Moore reports on the latest visit to Queensland by representatives from the Diocese of Amritsar, North India as part of a growing friendship between the two churches. A bishop, two ministers, a social worker, a development worker and a school principal made up the Diocese of Amritsar group who visited Toowoomba, Brisbane and Maleny in July. ...

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Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week.   Nice cold brew to go with the pew The Christian Post reports on a California church who has added beer to the menu for congregants who aren’t too interested in temperance while they get their weekly dose of the Bible. Chris VanHall, leader of the Greater Purpose Community Church in Santa ...

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Social responsibility review – 1 August

What’s coming up  Fairtrade Fortnight: August 3–16 Get involved by: ·         Signing up to receive newsletters ·         Displaying Fairtrade Fortnight posters at school, work or in your local community ·         Sharing the graphics on your social media channels to educate others about why they should #BUYFAIR ·         Looking for the Fairtrade Mark at your local supermarket and removing the shadow of doubt about ...

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Walking (and reading) with Dinosaurs

While dinosaurs lie in the distant past, a couple of recent books The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs and Too Big to Walk, for those readers whose childhood fascination with dinosaurs extends into adulthood, are notable for showing that palaeontology is often entangled with personal quests and with personalities. Nick Mattiske writes. Dinosaur history is inextricable from the more ...

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