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Tag Archives: AUTUMN2020

From Mount Gravatt to the United Nations

From Mount Gravatt to the united nations

Southside Uniting Church member Caitlyn Robinson has been selected as one of six young women from around the world to attend the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women conference later this month as part of the Girls’ Brigade International’s Delegation of Hope team. Ben Rogers reports on Caitlyn’s remarkable achievement and how the Brigade has been crucial for ...

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A journey of discovery

A journey of discovery

Queensland Synod General Secretary Rev Heather den Houting provides an update on the Project Plenty visioning exercise. “If you think the institutional church will look like this in five years’ time, then you haven’t been paying attention.” This is one of my mantras in 2020, and a sentiment that is being reflected in the What we heard report emerging from ...

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Too Much, Too Young

Too much, too young

Trinity College Queensland is delighted to welcome Melinda Tankard Reist as the speaker at its next Trinity Unplugged event. Journey reports. Melinda is well-known internationally for her tireless advocacy for girls and women in relation to sexualisation, objectification, pornography, exploitation and gender-specific violence. She is co-founder of Collective Shout, an independent not-for-profit campaigning for a world free from sexploitation in ...

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Candidate numbers on the rise at Trinity

Candidate numbers on the rise at Trinity

This year Trinity College Queensland has 20 candidates in the second phase of formation for ordained ministry in the Uniting Church in Australia. Dianne Jensen reports. There’s a buzz of conversation at morning tea at Trinity College Queensland, Brisbane on the first day of a formation course for candidates for ordained ministry in the Uniting Church. It’s the start of ...

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