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Tag Archives: children in detention

State-sanctioned child abuse must end

Drawing by Arrith, who was locked up in an off-shore detention centre. Source is Sarah Hanson-Young.

The Uniting Church in Australia is calling for the immediate release of all children and their families from Australian-run immigration detention centres, following the publication of a shocking report by the Australian Human Rights Commission. Matt Pulford reports. The Australian Human Rights Commission has released a damning report, entitled The Forgotten Children, on the largest survey of children in detention ...

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Christians protest “state sanctioned child abuse”

Christian protesters decline to leave the Hon Peter Dutton's office. Photo by Love Makes a Way.

An ecumenical group which held a peaceful prayer vigil in federal Health Minister Peter Dutton’s office in September was removed by police. Journey reports. Eleven priests, nuns, ministers and Christian lay leaders were removed by police from the Strathpine office of federal Health Minister, the Hon Peter Dutton on 9 September. The ecumenical group was holding a peaceful prayer vigil ...

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Kids in detention: good first step

Children of all ages are still held on Nauru. This photo is of the facilities. Photo credit to the Department of Immigration and Boarder Protection.

While asylum seeker advocates are celebrating the announcement that some children and their families will be released from detention, they warn that there is still much to do. Dianne Jensen reports. The Uniting Church in Australia has welcomed an announcement by the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Scott Morrison that some children in detention will be released into the ...

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Religious Leaders Commended by Magistrate

Reverend John Hughes, of Brougham Place Uniting Church, is arrested for trespassing at the Mt Barker electoral office of Federal MP Jamie Briggs after staging a sit-in to protest children being held in immigration detention centres.

Key South Australian religious leaders were commended by the Presiding Magistrate this morning after attending Mount Barker Magistrates’ Court to face criminal charges of trespass. The Magistrate dismissed the religious leaders with no conviction and no fine, commenting “you are a credit to your faith, and an inspiration.” Five Uniting Church members, in addition to representatives from the Quaker, Activate and Jewish ...

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