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Tag Archives: Coal Seam Gas

Letters July 2014

Rainbow colour post-it notes.

Give a real welcome We read with interest the six ways to be a welcoming church (Journey, June 2014, page 15). We have recently moved to Brisbane and were really looking forward to joining another church family after having left a great congregation in regional Queensland. Our experience has not been very positive, so there is one more point we ...

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Proposed legislation poses risk to Queensland farmers

Keep out sign

Strong concerns have been expressed about some of the provisions in the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Bill 2014 put to state parliament by Hon Andrew Cripps Minister for Natural Resources and Mines on 5 June. The Bill proposes to replace five existing pieces of legislation (which govern the energy and resources sector) with a single, common resource Act ...

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Coal seam gas: It’s a fracking worry

Leichhardt Patrol minister Rev Graham Slaughter.

As coal seam gas mining spreads across rural Queensland, landholders are feeling the stress.  Bruce Mullan reports. A third generation farmer from the Darling Downs looks across the land his grandfather cleared of brigalow scrub in 1908 to see his precious intensive grazing acres cut by roads, pipelines, open trenches and coal seam gas (GSG) mining development. The Chinchilla farmer, ...

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May Journey now available

The May 2014 edition of Journey is now available!

The May edition of Journey magazine is now available in PDF. You can download this edition and all previous editions back to 2005 on the download page. Your mission, if you choose to accept it “Mission” is a funny word. When I was growing up we would describe difficult tasks as “a bit of a mission”, and if someone was ...

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Downs Presbytery calls for moratorium on CSG exploration

Coal seam gas processing facility Rosalind Park, NSW.

The Downs Presbytery of the Uniting Church in Australia has called for a moratorium of six months on further issue of any Coal Seam Gas (CSG) exploration permits and production licences. The Presbytery which covers the Darling Downs and South West Queensland region wants the moratorium so governments, communities, scientists, environmentalists, and the CSG industry can take stock of the ...

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