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Tag Archives: Kaye Ronalds

Moving forward; keeping the charge

Members share communion during the 31st Synod closing service

The 31st Synod in Session closed five days of work and fellowship on 15 October with a worship service reminding members to “keep the charge”. Moderator David Baker reflected on the church as a flotilla; a group of ships traveling together, supporting each other. He reflected on past moderator, Kaye Ronalds’ question: “Are we there yet?” “I hope you have ...

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Past moderator reflects on joys and challenges

Rev Kaye Ronalds at the 31st Synod in Session

Immediate past moderator Rev Kaye Ronalds addressed the 31st Synod on 11 October to reflect on her three-year term. When Kaye began as moderator she asked the question: “Are we there yet?” On reflection she could now ask: will we ever be “there”? Kaye spoke of the privilege of representing the Uniting Church at a huge variety of events, both ...

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New Queensland Moderator resolves to keep the charge

Rev David Baker presides over communion after being inducted as Moderator at the opening of the 31st Synod in Session.

The Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod has a new moderator after Rev David Baker was inducted at the opening service of the 31st Synod held at Unity College in Caloundra, beginning his term with the theme A charge to keep. In front of hundreds of people from across the life of the Uniting Church, the scarf of responsibility was ...

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Hope lives here

Uniting Church Queensland Synod Moderator Rev Kaye Ronalds

Sometimes life is not all it is cracked up to be. Dreams are lost. Disappointments occur. Doubts creep in. That is what it was like for the friends of Jesus. Travelling with Jesus was an exhilarating ride. People were healed and the stories he told gave people hope for a better community. They expected him to overthrow the oppressive Roman ...

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Fast track for prayer

Uniting Church Queensland Synod Moderator Rev Kaye Ronalds

A lady came to visit my office this week and told me about the work she was doing as a pastor in her community. She said that when things get tough they move into a time of fasting and prayer. They fasted for three days like Queen Esther. The police came past the church and said, “Keep praying, we haven’t ...

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Young and the restless: Queensland’s youth justice reform

Arrested teenager with handcuffs

Life is about to get tougher for young Queenslanders in trouble with the law. Dianne Jensen reports. “Tough on crime” has a reassuring ring to the outraged householder who discovers a smashed car window or graffiti on their freshly painted wall. It’s time these kids faced up to the consequences of their behaviour, right? The Queensland Government is currently considering legislation ...

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Lead vulnerably

When I was preparing to serve in the role of moderator a friend lent me a book on leadership. Leadership on the Line is by Ronald Heifetz, a physician who plays the cello, and Marty Linsky, who has a background in politics and the media. Neither of the authors is a theologian, but the last section of the book focuses on body ...

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Shalom celebrates

Shalom Christian College students and staff with leaders from the North Queensland and Calvary presbyteries, the Queensland Synod and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress

Shalom Christian College’s motto, “Many cultures: One faith”, has never been more true. Annette Dale explores the many things worth celebrating at the college last month. The Shalom Christian College community began three days of celebration on 10 September when Deloitte transferred responsibility of the college to the Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod, officially making it a Uniting Church school. This ...

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I needed help and I knew it

I knew I was in trouble when I was sleeping poorly and my usually sunny nature gave way to a cloudy, stormy self. In 2009 a series of things converged in my life and I was diagnosed with depression. The triggers included being very tired because we lived next to a major road, I was away more than 100 nights ...

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