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Tag Archives: leadership

February 2016 Journey now available

The February 2016 masthead of Journey magazine.

Lead and share I’ve been fortunate to have grown up in schools and churches that have taken deliberate steps to cultivate and mentor young leaders. It’s been a great help to me over the years. On page four the moderator talks about leadership in a non-hierarchical Uniting Church context. Far from absolving us of the need for strong leaders, it ...

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Stepping up to leadership

Heather Watson, former chair of UnitingCare Queensland. Photo by Holly Jewell.

Every young person reaches the point where they decide to sign up to their faith community or to drift away. Dianne Jensen talks to Heather Watson, former chair of UnitingCare Queensland, whose service to the church was shaped by the opportunities she received as a young Christian. Heather Watson has a clear recollection of when she made a personal faith ...

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Lead vulnerably

When I was preparing to serve in the role of moderator a friend lent me a book on leadership. Leadership on the Line is by Ronald Heifetz, a physician who plays the cello, and Marty Linsky, who has a background in politics and the media. Neither of the authors is a theologian, but the last section of the book focuses on body ...

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Indigenous leaders mobilise for mission

Joya Waia (Weipa) and Ellen Hobson (Bamaga) at the 2013 Grasstree Gathering in Brisbane

Emerging Indigenous leaders and elders from across Australia are forging new partnerships through the Grasstree Gathering. Dianne Jensen reports. “Preaching in your own skin” is a catchphrase that sums up the cultural and spiritual empowerment of a people, and it resounded at the National Grasstree Gathering Emerging Indigenous Christian Leaders Conference in Brisbane. The Grasstree event in early October followed the inaugural ...

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