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Tag Archives: Lutheran

Friday’s religion wrap

Photo of a magnifying glass over an open Bible.

The Journey team selects stories that got us talking this week. Check back in every Friday to see the latest wrap up of religious news that made us think and reflect. Message to God: football wins are harder than they look The Guardian reports on Arsenal football club manager Arsene Wenger and his lifelong obsession with soccer. Wenger reflects on three decades in ...

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Screw pretending: Be yourself

Rev Nadia Bolz-Weber speaking at UnitingWomen conference in Sydney. Photo by Holly Jewell.

You are who you are. Ashley Thompson speaks with New York Times bestselling author Rev Nadia Bolz-Weber about why Christians should be authentic and vulnerable. You’d be forgiven thinking Rev Nadia Bolz- Weber is anti-authoritarian: the short spiky hair, striking tattoos and cynical wit—if it wasn’t for her clerical collar you’d never guess this foul-mouthed, weightlifting, mother of two is ...

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Hope for the Holy Land

Bishop Munib Younan, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, in Brisbane in September

The Holy Land is stitched into the fabric of the Christmas story. Could Mary and Joseph make their way to Bethlehem in today’s conflict-ridden West Bank? Mardi Lumsden explores hopes for peace in Israel and Palestine. From its beginning, Jerusalem has been a city in conflict, and the regions around have been conquered and fought over for centuries. Despite this, people of ...

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