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Tag Archives: Rob Floyd

Getting ready to get ready for Easter

Reverend Father Anastasios Bozikis. Photo: by Rohan Salmond.

Lent is a season binding Christians together no matter their church tradition, but it is observed very differently depending on where you go. What does it look like for the Uniting Church to observe Lent? Rohan Salmond explores. For more than 1000 years Christians everywhere have observed Lent, an annual 40-day time of fasting and reflection in preparation for Easter. ...

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Budget challenges most vulnerable

UnitingCare Australia National Director Lin Hatfield Dodds interviewed by the media. Photo taken by UnitingCare.

The 2014 Budget was a major concern for the Uniting Church and its agencies. Mardi Lumsden reports. The federal government’s 2014 Budget was met with frustration and concern by many different parts of the Uniting Church in Australia in May. Uniting Church President Rev Dr Andrew Dutney said the church’s main concern is how Australia’s most vulnerable are affected by ...

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